
Your deep pockets are still going to be on the line if you hire a driver. I think that it would require hiring an independent service for transportation to have any hope of avoiding responsibility for any mishaps, and even then you’re going to be named in the suit. But at least then you could probably get dropped from

And the richest families in the US are throwing cash at Trump in order to ensure that they don’t get taxed enough, or even at all if possible.

And the problem is that it’s escalatory. Once one too-rich person buys an overpriced object, the next too-rich person desires to buy an even more overpriced object to demonstrate his superiority. And all of them squeeze the workers beneath them in order to get more money to show off with.

...probably get a fine, at best

While I find fridging Marie to be distasteful, I’m not sure how else they could propel Bourne back into action. About the only other option would be for him to abandon her for her own safety, which would still leave her out of the rest of the film.

And yet:

My response was to Artor’s question of why someone would use A. Muscaria, and was intended as sarcasm. But, yes, people will resort to all sorts of bad alternatives when their first choice is not available, even if death is a possible side effect. Morning glory seeds, Jimson weed, cane toads, the list is endless.

Tribalism is the founding force behind our earliest ancestors entering social societies. Our tribe good, other tribes bad. It takes a lot to overcome that.

The letter count would be fine if it was consistent across manufacturers, or hell, even across a single car line. I’ve found it impossible to keep up with S/SE/SEL/LE/LT/LS/XLE/XLT/XLS, and whatever the hell it is that the Germans are doing nowadays.

The one thing I’ve learned about Donald Trump in my lifetime is if he’s waffling around instead of giving a straight answer, he probably has zero clue about what he’s discussing.

Seriously, though, why is he driving himself when he has so much urgent business to take care of?

I have at times mulled over the idea of  selecting representatives similarly to empaneling juries. 

There’s a feature on my ‘02 Sable that may be on other Ford products of the era, but should be on every car made today. The sun visor is a two-part system, with the larger main visor on a pivot to allow swinging from the forward position to the side position, like every other sun visor out there. But behind the main

Just offer them a nominal fee for placing panels/turbines on their land.

I know that I’m an old with a very different perspective on cell phones than most younger people, but I appreciate my time driving as a opportunity to ignore my phone. 

Soylent Green is the self-sustaining answer to food riots.

“Wells Fargo holds employees to the highest standards and does not tolerate unethical behavior,” a company spokesperson said in a statement to Bloomberg, “Unless that unethical behavior directly contributes to the bottom line”.

I would assume that a ruling by the Delaware court prohibiting the transfer would be appealed to the Supremes. If so, that will be an interesting ruling from the SC.

It’s not about acquiring wealth for them, it’s about keeping it. They believe that Trump will continue to allow them to avoid paying anything like their fair share of taxes. What they overlook is how willing Trump will be to throw individuals to the wolves if it suits his purposes, just like his hero Putin.

At this point people are voting to maintain their stock value