
I DVR the show now, which I had stopped doing during the Trevor era. I just didn’t find his approach to the show that interesting. But now I get all of the episodes, not just the Monday shows. I’ve watched several of the non-Stewart shows, and I’m pleasantly surprised by how good I find them. Hopefully this is bumping

How would you fix the second amendment in such a way that people have the right to defend themselves and also take arms against the rich and powerful if necessary?

As much as I like Cena, I have to believe that his frame is not entirely natural. Doesn’t steroid use help tamp down the erection problem?

The dashcam video on this site recently of a pickup truck tire coming off, rolling in front of a Kia Soul, which then caused the Soul to go airborne and flip over at highway speed still lingers with me.

I, too, rarely ever go back after watching something. I also don’t ever buy something, even shows or movies that I really liked. In fact, I’ve even found that re-watching some shows that I’ve loved is unpleasant. I noticed it when re-watching episodes of Fawlty Towers. I absolutely loved the shows when I first saw

Old TV shows also act like a sort of background music for people, something to have on while you work on a task at hand. You don’t need to pay close attention since you’re already familiar with the plot, and with streaming, you can always rewind to the the part of the episode that you really like the first time around.

I think that calling out movie length is reasonable. There are stories that absolutely need more than 1.5-2 hours to be told well, but I think there’s a run-time inflation kind of thing happening now, where directors see that someone else has blown past 120 minutes, and think to themselves that their story deserves at

It was exciting to see a big scale production of a Best Song nominee again. It seems like it’s been nothing but small performances ever since the Rob Lowe/Snow White opening number fiasco.

Seriously, Occam’s Razor needs to be applied here.

Yes, if someone failed to properly mount and tighten one wheel, how much trust do you have in the work done on the remaining wheels?

If the 9/11 highjackers had been smart, they would have suicide bombed a dozen major shopping malls on Black Friday

But the bigger point is, why? A regular tent is SUPER EASY to set up

I’ll allow it.

The rules of the House are that anyone who has served in Congress has the right to be in the chamber in perpetuity. A rule that they should consider amending.

Please, no. Murphy is far too interesting of an actor to get stuck making the half dozen Bond films that Broccoli would require of the next actor tapped to portray Bond. Let some lesser actor who needs to polish his craft take the mantle.

Jeeves and Wooster would be an excellent place to start.

Everyone is focused on the glove modification, but is no one concerned about the fact that to use the modified glove, the driver is taking his hand off of the steering wheel in order to hold it up against the netting? That seems to be the greater risk factor.

So adding Hambone to the back was an effort to improve handling?

I know a big mantra right now is to tax wealth, but the question remains on how to effectively do that.

In college we studied the possibility that the works of Shakespeare were actually written but a contemporary under that pseudonym. Someone analyzed those works, counting up word and metaphor usage, and pretty conclusively demonstrated that they were different authors. It’s pretty difficult to not rely on the same