
I suspect that Disneyland’s proximity to Hollywood means that their performers are more on the hunt for career upgrades than the FL performers, and as a result are not thinking as long term about the work that they do.

I always thought the engineering on those sorts of cupholders was a slap at users who wanted to have a beverage handy, when the designers knew better. The operator should only be driving the car, so anything as pedestrian as holding cups did not deserve any better.

There’s a certain “Ain’t I clever” propensity amongst designers of all sorts. I see it in my field of programming, where people can generate black box chunks of code that are insanely difficult to troubleshoot. It often requires simply rewriting the block of code in a less “elegant” mode to get it to successfully

People on the annual plan should have been grandfathered into ad-free to begin with. Hopefully they get it and Bezos has to pay the attorney fees.

I also think that these should be the answer for EVs looking to minimize Cd without using nonsense like motorized handles that pop out for use.

The Dauphine is forever cemented in my memory thanks to an incident when I was a kid. I had seen them on TV as giveaways on game shows, but had never seen one IRL. Then one day as we were getting gas, my brother and I saw one zip into the station and slam to stop away from the pumps. The front doors flew open and both

Yeah, I’m pretty sure that I’ve seen that movie, too.

I’m having more trouble with her acting ability. Inhabiting a character is hard to begin with. Inhabiting a character that regularly breaks into song is doubly so. I know that it’s just a trailer, but I saw nothing in there to suggest she has the chops.

No, I haven’t been to Applebee’s for decades now. I think the first and last time was when I lived somewhere that lacked many restaurants, but it was so unmemorable that I can’t even remember where I lived then. It wasn’t bad, it wasn’t good, but it was a dinner out when my wife and I didn’t have a lot money.

The more recently updated Aldi stores near me have added self-check in addition to the regular checkout line. Their system works really well, both because you aren’t required to place scanned items in the checkout area for weighing, and the fact that they have fewer different items than other stores. There’s never a

I’m still working a Yahoo address. It works, and switching is a hassle, so there you go.

Nope, I’m still hooked on that form of entertainment, to the detriment of reading books.

Which is all the more surprising since the pictures don’t make it seem small at all. That rear overhang makes it feel like the whole car is long.

Forget it, Jake. It’s Jalopniktown.

As much as I keep coming to this site, and reading all of the posts on fast food, I feel kind of sorry for the number of people that have so much exposure to fast food that they have such strong opinions. To me, fast food is a rarity, something that is only an occasional treat or necessity. Almost everything available

Listening to NPR lately I’m hearing an add for an AI tool, and one of the selling points is that it’s “hallucination-free”. Knowing that advertising claims are, at best, 51% verifiable, I’m not too crazy about AI assists to my doctor. The problem is that far too many people have an unsupportable faith in computer

That’s the beauty of adapting existing successful IP, even more than once. It provides substantial cover for whoever greenlights the production if the show fails to click with the audience, and they can always take credit if the show succeeds.

A buncha frog liquors are just as bad.

Yes, it’s impossible to be sure of the THC content when it’s added to food this way. The wings don’t all get sauced evenly, some of it remains in the bowl, and some of it will wind up on a napkin. And it’s not like the THC is adding some great depth of flavor. Just eat an well calibrated edible and enjoy the food for

Reading some of the other choices here makes putting Midway on this list unfair. While it’s true that the distance to expressways makes driving there more tedious, there is an elevated train serving Midway, so it’s connected to much of the city via the CTA elevated system. Other than that, though, Midway just... is.