
Who really thinks that Dirty Dough is a good brand name? It certainly doesn’t resonate in the least for me.

I do fear that at some point I will suffer from The Boy Who Cried Wolf syndrome if I ever try to tell them something real and important.

It’s why the milkshake IPA craze never worked for me, as much as I love me an IPA.

Clarkson says he’s too old and out of shape to keep going

And if you had the kind of legal muscle on retainer that MBJ has, you would have been able to easily beat those charges.

The thing about use of electricity is personal use. Shopping where it’s in use does not violate that principle.

Horse theft was considered such a heinous crime because it wasn’t just property theft. It was tantamount to killing the owner since a horse was so critical to survival at the time. Leaving someone stranded, or unable to work their land could be fatal.

Not having seen any of the latest images, I imagine that AI is improving the images to a great degree, such that they no longer look like bad Photoshop jobs. Some of what I’ve read suggests that the images are also more graphically pornographic. I also suspect that they are being more aggressively distributed in

There’s always nieces and nephews. I have quite a reputation with them, although I rarely let the ruse last very long.

More than even a legal precedent, I hope that the suit financially buries these guys, thus establishing that doing this sort of thing will hit were it really hurts: The wallet.

I wouldn’t say that A Big Hand for the Little Lady is without stereotypes, but it is a lot of fun, and definitely worth a watch. It’s one of my favorite poker themed movies of all time. Meek’s Cutoff might be a film you’re looking for, though.

Correction: I meant to type that I wouldn’t replace Mulligan with Robbie.

“Ultimately, where we want to take it is Pokémon Go,” McIntosh said.

This doesn’t reflect well on Applebee’s, even though they’ve gotten a lot of press out of it. A better approach would have been to invite people to submit an entry for a drawing to award the passes. They collect useful direct marketing info, and avoid the sour taste left in peoples’ mouths.

Also, this Cacti Green is a nice color

That’s some serious The Prisoner vibe, there.

It takes more than a good screenplay to make a good film. Barbie linked the artificial world of the iconic doll to the real world in a way that was compelling and somehow believable. KOTFM lived entirely within the real world of our tragic past, and yet had less to say to me.

More importantly, given the fact that it was a bomb “threat”, what the hell were fighter jets going to do about it? Shoot the bomb out of the kid’s hands?

The show is focused on the flyers, so I doubt they would give any time to Army POWs on the ground. But maybe there will be soul searching about civilian damage. I think that a trailer showed conflict with a downed flyer, so it’s not entirely in the skies?

It does look like a faithful remake on a plot level