
She’s a reporter for an online news site. I doubt that she has disposable funds to simply replace the car. The question, however, is given what she knows, why didn’t she at least have a steering wheel lock in place? Or better yet, have a car alarm shop install a hidden kill switch?

User name checks out.

Yes, it’s defaming. I’m wondering what he could get out a lawsuit? He would have to show actual damages, and I doubt that Rodgers running his mouth moves the needle. And a lawsuit opens Kimmel up to discovery by Rodgers lawyers, which could lead to embarrassment when details inevitably get leaked. Better to just keep

You don’t think that those right-wing dipshits aren’t already sending Kimmel death threats over his regular dunking on their cult leader Trump?

I generally find GPS annoying. I usually know where I’m going in advance, so I just look it up online before I go and get there just fine. GPS even makes it worse sometimes. Just this weekend we were travelling to the other side of the state to visit friends, a place that I’ve been to many times. But my wife had

I much prefer the brevity of Xitter.

I wonder if Kimmel can sue for slander or libel?

Seriously, in suburban housing developments, street suffix rules are like that line in Pirates of the Caribbean: the code is more what you’d call “guidelines” than actual rules. Unless the local govt body has strict rules, the developer is free to use whatever suffixes that fit his esthetic concept and sell more

The problem is that way too many people are already driving their cars like they’re playing a video game.

Why the government continues to give billions in contracts to a known drug user—when they wouldn’t hire a user to do so much as take out the trash at any government building—is confounding.

For some reason, it’s often misused as exactly the opposite of what it means.

Although memory is clouded by time, I remember his work as Rick in Casablanca to be interesting as well. It takes some stones to step into Bogie’s shoes.

He should have skipped that staged fight break up, too.

I think there’s a helluva product endorsement opportunity for whatever adhesive was employed in that bodice.

The Subaru 360 was an insanely ill-equipped vehicle for US roads. I can only imagine how much worse putting a van body on top of it would be.

Perhaps a mix of B and a large enough offer in cash and desperation influenced that decision.

Anyone seriously considering establishing a human outpost off of Earth should take the time to read A City on Mars by Kelly and Zach Weinersmith. It’s very well researched, and makes it clear that not only is a human outpost in space or on another celestial body incredibly difficult, it presents considerable political

Were you at the ticket counter way early? I think that might have been a big part of the problem for Phil.

I believe that entering your wife’s name as Catherine instead of Katherine would likely be a bigger problem for his wife. This goes way beyond missing a significant date.

Mercury’s Breezeway rear window deserves a mention as well: