
First The Bear and now Origins? Is Bernthal’s new specialty dying early in a production to drive the narrative?

‘How do you want to die?’

IIRC, Lear also tried to develop a modern steam operated car.

Yes, it was called A Better Place. The founder, Shai Agassi got Israel and Nissan to run a preliminary system, but it didn’t pan out.

Reading is hard.

The idea is that you don’t get out of your car. You would pull into a bay and sit tight while robots did the swap.

A previous venture, Better Place, used the model that you didn’t own the battery, they did. You were basically just paying for use of their packs. It was kind of like propane tanks are in the US. Presumably packs would go through some sort of inspection and validation before being placed back into service. This model

I’m guessing that the sellers were intending to rob the victim. Most car dealers are not above that.

I can crush your head with a cinder block, I’m large enough that it would be very easy to do so.

Ok, charge the straw buyer or the previous gun owner who failed to properly secure their property with murder.

these criminals were dealt with once and for all

Maybe we need to make gun buyers responsible for the crimes committed with their legally purchased guns and gun sellers responsible for the crimes committed by the guns they illegally sell.

maybe we need to pass another law making it double illegal for him to have the gun?

Don’t forget Skipper, Barbie’s little sister.

The part of this that I struggle with is they flew her from Detroit to NYC just to drug and rape her. There are plenty of attractive teens in the tri-state area to abuse that are just a short drive away. What about her was so exceptional that they flew her round trip just to abuse her?

Much like how George Santos is Jew-ish.

The Colbert version.

It doesn’t usually melt fast here either, hence the folding chairs, etc. that people place in the spot. Sometimes the side streets do get cleared, either by plow or warm up, but we usually get additional snowfalls that keep shoveled spots claimed territory. As long as the snow remains, however, dibs are generally

It’s a joke from Stephen Colbert, back when he did his conservative talk show host on the Colbert Report.

The only serious question here is how long one can maintain “ownership” of a shoveled out space. Logically, once the snow has melted off or been plowed out enough, dibs on parking spaces becomes an asshole effort to privatize the commons.