
And now you’ll be left cooling your heels in an HR conference room for 2t minutes while someone else throws your stuff into a box and disables your logins, at which point HR will offer you the 25 cents once you’ve signed the NDA and the agreement to waive any rights you might have had regarding your employment.

Yes, a rising tide lifts all boats. Which is great as long as you are in a boat.

I found a sealed bottle of the original Frango mint liqueur at a garage sale a while back, and I’ve been slowly enjoying it at holiday time. Still only an approximation of the candies, though.

What’s your opinion on current Frangos? While they’re good, I don’t think that they match the originals from when Marshall Field’s produced them. The texture is too firm now.

The monetary value of the deal is offset by the shame I would experience should anyone I know see me entering or leaving Hooters.

I enjoyed my visit to Biscuits ‘N Porn in NC:

Good. I’m sick of of anti-depressant commercials that say a pill will make you better

IIRC, it was CZ himself that was largely responsible for the collapse of FTX when he looked under the hood as a prelude to either a merger or a purchase. His reaction to what he saw spooked everyone else, leading to a run on FTX. FTX would certainly have imploded at some point anyway, but at the time it seemed like CZ

And playing “Tainted Love” at the wake.

My only complaint about Southwest is the inability to book specific seats. They force you to buy their Early Bird option in order to have a fighting chance of sitting with the rest of your party. Lately, though, I’m seeing groups of travelers have one person buy the Early Bird and have that person spread stuff out

If they are allowed to advertise the drug benefits, backed up by visuals of happy users achieving positive results of the drug, they should also be required to read the side effects list over visuals of users experiencing those side effects. Like, wincing when moving their arm for injection site tenderness, or jumping

The key with Southwest is to book only direct flights, never connecting ones. The worst problem that I’ve had with them in almost 20 years is a 90 minute delay getting off the ground while a mechanic was brought in to replace a seat belt that someone had managed to shit on. But I’ve never had them cancel a flight on

Many times, no, you can’t avoid the TM fees at the box office. I’ve asked. I think that TM cuts their deal with venues requiring that purchases go through the TM system, with fees being added no matter where the purchase takes place. It makes sense that purchases have to go through their system. How else could the

I’ve asked about that (not this time, waiting to go to the Chicago theatre box office to buy direct wasn’t practical), and in most cases they have to charge the TM fees as well. It’s part of the deal between the venue and TM. It’s only venues that run their own ticket sales that can avoid it.

I’ll be interested in follow up, to see whether the car thief sues the golfer that pushed to unit over. If he develops any kind of physical malady as a result of being coated in sewage, he probably would have a good case. And even if the damage is merely psychological, a good lawyer could argue that the action by the

Every now and then, I see where someone has used a Sharpie to mark which button mutes the audio. Drivers helping drivers.

How many cars anymore even have a fully removable gas cap? I think that every car I’ve owned for literally 20 years has the cap lashed to the filler in some way. Which is good, because I’ve lost gas caps when they could be removed, having set it on top of the pump.

Start with Ticketmaster. They just charged me $26.60 in service fee on a $111 ticket. A 24% surcharge. For nothing more than letting me select seats on a website.

Nah, grandma’s candy bowl was full of hard candies, a truly disappointing thing to a youngster. Other than the difficulty in separating the slightly melted candy from the wrapper, that stuff would still be around and technically edible after the apocalypse.

Even more significant than the glass out back, glass in the front corner of the front windows instead of a plastic filler is really nice. I feel like I see more where it really counts.