
Yes, the black paint is so boring. A two-tone paint job would make it sing. I’m just not sure how to split up the colors. White below the chrome beltline and on the fins?

Beyond the frightening notion of a gun fight in the cockpit of an airliner, that was my big question. What the hell was important enough at the scheduled destination that the FO threatens firing his gun, knowing that the cockpit voice recorder is capturing his threat? How stressed and off his rocker must that guy have

A beloved character of early computer technology, Clippy

What’s the over/under on how many days into production before Baldwin punches an AD or cameraman?

Fall Back, Spring Forward - 2 young women find themselves unable to escape a tower when they discover giant springs around the tower base that keep flinging them back every time that they jump off

You have to consider it from the perspective of its era. I actually saw it on TV when it first ran, and it was unlike anything else that you would see on broadcast television. It was all that we could talk about the next day on the playground.

As I recall, they evened out the capabilities by giving the Valiant engine troubles that prevented it from generating full power. Overheating, I think.

Beyond the wheels, that thing has a lot of Lincoln MKT in it. That doesn’t help one bit.

IL is also two very different states within the same borders. Northeast IL is basically a blue state, and would mostly welcome electric buses, while the remainder of the state is mostly red, and would reject buses out of hand. I think that the supports for EVs in Biden’s IRA have added EVs to the list of culture war

“Libertarians are like house cats. They are convinced of their fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system they don’t appreciate or understand.”

EV drivetrains may not wear out at the same rate as ICE drivetrains, but the interiors will wear out at the same rate.

Here in IL it’s not resistance to change, it’s finding the money upfront. And letting mechanics go is not a selling point, even tho it saves money incrementally.

The problem is not just the cost of the buses, but the cost of setting up the charging infrastructure at the bus yard. The closest yard to me has about 50 buses. Putting in 50 charging cables and the feed from the electric utility to provide the amps necessary to charge those buses is going to be way more than the bus

No to the former but yes to the latter. There’s also one uncle that will show up to Thanksgiving with several pizzas. He means well but can be clueless.

I was just in Springfield, IL last weekend, and it seemed like all of the lights were timed. Very annoying to someone used to sensor driven control.

The dumb thing is that they did all that just to get 9 cars worth $250K (which you know that the dealer is inflating for insurance purposes). Less than $30K per car, and they can’t get that much for them on the street. Go big, or go home.

I could believe that a drug dealer might drive an Alfa. But since the thieves seemed to know their target well, they would likely have avoided hitting a dealer. You never know exactly who you’re ripping off, and if it turns out that the dealer is established in something like the Sinaloa cartel, the repercussions

Not only were they targeting Tesla circa 2019-2020, they assumed that they could mimic Tesla’s model rollout, i.e. start at the top end and work down. If they had worked on models for the middle of the market and lower instead, they would have products that more buyers than just the early adopters would consider. Just

My brother had one of these. Two in fact, the second one a non-working vehicle that he bought as a parts car to get the first one working again after he fried the trans pulling a trailer with his stuff when returning from college. Both sat at our mother’s house until she passed, when it all moved to his house, where ev

I’m pretty sure that a SC justice cannot weigh in on the constitutionality of an amendment, given that the amendment actually changes the Constitution. At most, the SC might have to deal with conflicting text once the amendment becomes part of the Constitution.