
Think of how many adults have no idea that the little square icon for File Save represents a small plastic object that was once used to store data?

I could accept her return to her show if it was a contract matter, if she said that clearly and did a sub-standard show without writers, but if she has a contract with an NDA that prevents her from discussing its terms in that way she needs much better lawyers.

The financial hit of breaking a contract can be very real, not to mention the hit to her reputation, becoming “difficult to work with”. People get shadow banned in show business for that kind of stuff. But if her reasons for resuming the show is fear of those repercussions, she needs to say that. And the show she

Not a fan of the show, and I would like to see her fight back if a contract is the cause. But the financial hit of breaking a contract can be very real, not to mention the hit to her reputation, becoming “difficult to work with”. People get shadow banned in show business for that kind of stuff.

I’ve seen it reported elsewhere that she would be in violation of her contract if she doesn’t return to delivering her show. If true, she really needs to put that front and center.

Her offering to buy the pregnant woman behind her a cocktail explains a lot about her soon-to-be a parent son.

It’s absolutely a waste of time for 5th graders, but I think I would have found it very interesting in later-year high school. Especially to hear my fellow students’ choices and reasoning.

Seriously, way better than talking politics or Kardashians. I’ll bring the onion dip.

Also, her babies’ daddy travels for work, meaning that he is employed. Even if he isn’t part of the household anymore, why isn’t there child support?

The only way I can think of to fix the ticket problem is for artists to demand Ticketmaster go back to the verified purchaser model from a decade or so back. To be admitted to the venue, someone must present the credit/debit card used to purchase the tickets at the door. This prevents all of the scalping. Of course,

The bed-track idea is nice. It would demo well on TV and at the dealer, but I would think that the tracks would build up crud if you had an open bed and actually used the pickup for pickup kind of work. I do think that motorizing the battery packs would sell well, though.

Yeah, I had thought that a couple of guys could probably move them, but getting them down off the bed of the average pickup would be the trick. I suppose if they had locking wheels, they could even be rolled back onto some sort of carrier at the end of the bed that could be jacked up and down, then stored in the

Given that it’s just the base of the chair, sans wheels, makes me think that it was from the bed of a metal scrapper’s pickup. I see those guys around here with a wild jumble of metal junk, Tetris’ed into the bed.

It still doesn’t address the bigger problem: Remembering to get the cans out on time on the correct day.

I expect that a PHEV pickup would require a very big battery to deliver a reasonable electric-only range. Regular hybrid doesn’t require a big battery to deliver improvement in MPG.

How is the owner going to unload 250 pound blocks at home?

I can only imagine what they thought about her in The Reader.

Given that previous union heroes have been older men, predominately white, names like Eugene Debs, Samuel Gompers, Walter Reuther, Cesar Chavez, and John Lewis, a young woman musician is unlikely as a union hero.

Sequels to successful films is the easiest and safest choice studio execs can make. If it succeeds, however unlikely, the execs can bask in that glory. And if it fails, they can shrug their shoulders and say “Who knew?”, and blame everything on the creators of the sequel.

I can’t imagine how one explains cable content negotiations and the outcomes to a toddler. You can’t just tell her that the channel went to live on a farm like the dog did.