
I prefer to support the people I want to see succeed (and, somewhat pettily, want to see people I dislike fail). Further, if I dislike a person on a personal level, then that taints their art/business/product for me. Moral reasons are perfectly fine reasons to boycott.

I think this may be it, but Madeleine is so goddamn funny that I'm willing to suspend my disbelief for the clever insults.

That description was.. unnecessary.

I don't see myself ever making a momny blog, but I sure as hell can see myself perusing them for ideas when I am a mom.

So, someone who uses an insulting phrase is OKAY, but I'm a jerk for asking that we be better?

I love you harder than you will ever know for posting this. Like, uncomfortably hard.

I mean, does it even sound like she realized it was "bad"? Sounds like OTHER people realized it was bad and she got all pissed because OTHER people didn't stop her sooner, before she'd already invested so much time and energy into being bad.

I'm with ya on this. It's not a popular opinion, and slippery slope arguments apply, but people who've been shown to be really shoddy parents should lose their right to make more children.

That actually was a complete sentence, just lacking in punctuation and capitalization.

A little personal, doncha think?

Well, whatever helps you sleep at night. Glad you feel safe, even if the reason you feel safe is because of super silly made up superstitious nonsense.

I can't tell if you're joking.

Lady, you're the one who decided it was a good use of your time to rain your bitchfest all over this thread all morning. I decided it was worth 30 seconds of my time to correct you on your distasteful word choice. To each her own I guess?

Oh Jesus Christ. What percentage of homeless people are mentally ill? What percentage have substance abuse problems? What is the crime rate amongst the homeless? I don't personally choose to socialize with folks who stagger through the streets reeking of whiskey and babbling to themselves. That's not my idea of fun.

For you? Naw sweetie, I'm just going to stick with occasional phone-texted punctuation errors rather than hear whatever shitty greeting you have on the answering machine. Takes less of my time and gets the message to you faster.

Nonono. I live in Eugene which is basically a tourist location for the homeless-by-choice crowd because we have such good social programs.

I could see that. Or a tetchy 45 year old stay at home pack a day type who also has nothing better to do but be immature on the internet.

I think the whole debate went over your head. People who I care about, who know me at all, don't leave VM because they know that i'll see they've called and call them back. It's an incredible waste of time for them to first leave a message, then for me to play the message, and then to finally call them back and have

There are literally programs to get homeless people cell phones. No, I don't actually hang out with homeless people in my town because I'm not into intravenous drug use or talking to crazy people or getting mugged. I don't think that's terribly classist, that's just self preservation.

So I get to forfeit my time (whatever I'm doing with it) because you think your ineptitude is something I should have to deal with?