Xopher Wailord Barnett

But enough talk. Have at you! 

Which game was it? 

You’re going to die repeatedly and have to memorize attack animations for how to counter them. If that breaks your immersion, then you’re going to have the same experience as the other games.

Didn’t they make male Miqo’te and Female Galka(I can’t remember what the XIV race name was) strictly because they knew fans would complain otherwise?

Why did they backtrack lol

I sweat heavily when I exercise. When I am in ketosis my sweat smells heavily of ammonia.

It’s a small price to pay for better health. If someone is shallow enough to be turned off by something I can wash off, then it’s probably for the best.

I’m far more concerned with the health of my body than a casual intimate

No it was specifically HVAM.

The biggest problem with Dance Dance Revolution is that it has Dance in the title.

It should have remained Step Step Revolution as it was called in 3rd Mix’s expert mode. 

You saying people shouldn’t use the bar is like someone coming into your martial art or your weight lifting routine that hasn’t done either in ten years and telling you that you’re doing it wrong.

no one i know in media does this and it’s cynical and sad that you think that people write things for any other reason than that is what they actually feel.”

I said to Gita Jackson that journalists sometimes write reviews trashing something for hits and attention and she chastised me for even insinuating that could occur.

What he said isn’t factually incorrect though. Soda is carbs. Dropping the carbs from your diet for that first can drop 20-25 pounds.

Numbers on the scale is the only metric he was using.

You will continue to lose fat weight more slowly beyond that point though. 

You also understate the amount of water weight you can lose. I can still lose 10 lbs in a week cutting carbs. A 10 lb fluctuation in one week due to water weight is entirely possible.

Is it cheating when the developers stated that you are intended to use it? That they developed charts(Healing Vision Anglic Mix) with bar use in mind?

Is it cheating when it’s allowed in the Konami run championship games? 

Stop propagating this stale thinking.

inb4 people who haven’t played the game in over 10 years begin talking about how using the bar is cheating.

I had 16 million gil when I quit playing. I felt like money was largely pointless in the game. Sure you could buy gear that was very close to the top end raiding gear, but what was the point? The point of the game is to do dungeons and bosses to get better gear and it’s not hard to do the dungeons/bosses to get said

say that 2 my face

To clarify, I when I said you didn’t “get” the ending, I meant it as in the definition of “obtaining”, not “understanding”. I missed the part where you said you saw all of the endings, apparently.

What I said about journalists was presumptive and I apologize. 

This response I actually like and respect because you took time to actually elaborate rather than short, lower case, dismissive responses.

And yeah I can agree to disagree. Sometimes though, I feel like journalists will say something “controversial” so that their brand gets more notoriety. Free publicity and all that.