People who don’t like chapter 13 fear diversity and change. Chapter 13 was a welcome change in pace from the rest of the game. The Survival Horror themes were phenomenal.
People who don’t like chapter 13 fear diversity and change. Chapter 13 was a welcome change in pace from the rest of the game. The Survival Horror themes were phenomenal.
Yeah I stopped reading it after I found out what it was. That was stupid and not worth the wait.
Did he lock her in the basement but won’t give you the full story until his second season?
Because she looks like she’s 12 years old and Japan is a bunch of Lolicons.
Looking at boobs is wrong, guys.
The world of warcraft set also regularly sells for $2200 or so, which is still ridiculous, but less than half of the hyperbolic statement made here.
Rule of Rose absolutely does NOT fetch $400.
You know you can look at sold listings on ebay right? Just because someone has an item listed at a high price does not mean it sells for that.
Rule of Rose is about $150 open, and $350 sealed.
Meh. Nevermind. This isn’t worth the effort.
Duel audio? The audio is going to fight? Nice.
Does this one not force you into a decision you don’t want to make?
The link that Luke placed at the bottom, the hyperlinked word “here”, contains all you need to know.
literally who cares.
Hey let’s make threads about how games don’t know how blood works. Or that people don’t go head explodey in real life.
Nah, it’s Patricia Hernandez, it’s some sexual shit.
Ni in Japanese is two. Ni-ico - Ico 2.
These “AirPods” are terrible for those of us with ECDS(Earbud Cartilage Deficiency Syndrome”
he said tot, not thot
Corpse party 3ds 8/30
That graph means nothing without the metrics to go with it. That could be a drop from 98% to 97%. We have no sense of scale. It doesn’t matter at all.
Why do you keep calling Pokemon “Monsters”?
I know Pokemon is Pocket Monsters, but in every form of the franchise they refer to the individual creatures as “pokemon” and not “monsters.”