I hate to be that guy, but I didn’t read anything there that said the stage event was for P5. It said “persona” but not “persona 5”.
I hate to be that guy, but I didn’t read anything there that said the stage event was for P5. It said “persona” but not “persona 5”.
I’ll blame bad storytelling. If people aren’t interpreting it correctly, that’s the storyteller’s problem. Unless he’s a David Lynch type who doesn’t want it to be interpreted in any particular way.
You mean the best parts.
The two best Heavensward songs are as follows:
The theme of Azys Lla. (don’t watch if you don’t want zone spoilers, but give it a listen.) Also MAKE SURE TO LISTEN TO THIS ONE ALL THE WAY THROUGH.
bleh who cares
lol why does it sound so Celtic?
You can’t get to Ishgard without the new storyline. The new classes are in Ishgard.
Good job misinterpreting.
He has more comments on Kotaku than any other user. This is why I asked. I see his posts all the time and he’s literally the only name on here that I recognize.
Look at his Kinja. http://kinja.com/gregthemad
Do you get paid to post comments on Kotaku?
Sure, by purchasing a demo code.
Tracksuits eh? Yaranaika?
I don’t know enough about these two games to say if they’re similar at all or not either.
But at face value, Prototype and Infamous are open world superhero games.
Prototype and Infamous were very similar and were developed and released about the same time. One did well and one didn’t. I don’t see any problem with similar games being competitive with each other. Let the best game win.
I love the Fallout/Elder Scrolls games but can is it possible for Bethesda to make a game that’s not a bug riddled mess?
Until P5
Inb4 comments about the sexualization of ika-tan
Couldn’t get it to work. Wouldn't capture and data. Probably a Windows 10 bug
Saw the trailer for this movie before mad max. When the trailer ended there was a collective groan of disapproval from the audience. Additionally, if there was anything good about this movie, they put so much in the trailer I don't believe I even need to see the movie.
I’m about to go into a dungeon in ARR as SCH. I’ll install this real quick and see what it looks like.