Theodore Margomenos

#corrections this post has so many grammatical errors i don't even bother pointing them out...

I don't have an american one.looking to buy it for a present for a danish person.only reads danish books. is that person going to be able to get any book like he normally would want to get on bookstores from the shop then?

12sec 100m sprint tryouts with having done no training at all for the past like 2 weeks.i did 8 years basketball,2years kickboxing,3summers swimming,5summers waterpolo,2 years bicycling,3 year track field when i was really young,scout 4 years,tennis 4 years and there should be some more stuff that i can't recall

too small for me.that's just me and that's just u

yup,that's mainly my problem.big fingers,lots of times i found small stuff i need to press and i need to zoom in to press them.really annoying

Is it going to work in europe? Don't really care about web browsing with it,just to mostly,buy books from amazon as ebooks and read them on it. Don't know much about amazon and e-books,but,is the same amount being offered in europe as in america? more or less at least. and when i say europe i don't mean england, i

they are all just couch potatoes...i can outrun that easily.just for 60feet that is and i'm not really a runner

i liked the old one better too,the new one seems really plain

If you go out when it's raining with that you are going to be blown off by the wind in an instant and break everything

I wonder how it holds up to thunderstorms,earthquakes and floods...

that is not true.As the form factor of the ipad is not 16:9 which is the foram for 1920x1080there are black bars top and bottom when you are watching 16:9 videos.In that essence,you are losing more quality.Since if it maybe be 2048x1536,quadriple the amount of pixels than the 1024x768 that it currently is at,the black

i want a t-shirt with that on,like now.

I would have like a bigger screen,so movies will look better(of course it should have the same ppi with the larger screen),easier to surf the web,maybe even read books(3.5 is too small for books,anybody that says otherwise is a masochist... >.>) and as i said,big hands,cant write really good with my thumbs,mistyping a

Of course it has problems with people that have but accents...you can either speak good English or you can't...those will have to wait for their native languages to be supported i suppose...i mean...this guy in the video is like a retard even...Siri asks which phone number like 2-3 times and he keeps ''saying see you

Would be funny if somebody called the telesellers and asked to order an iPhone 5,or a 4s,see what they say :P

If there's no new iPhone 5 with a bigger screen fuck Apple!Was dissapointed with the iPad 2 even not having a Retina Display.Preety sure they could have done it,but then they would just put all the great things they could in the iPad 2 and run out of ideas for the iPad 3...Never bought an iPhone cause my fingers are

Took them one more generation of ipads to implement what i asked for but still...HELL YEAH!

Make this now please!

Nikon D5100.I have a D5000 myself,so the newer model would be perfect,for begginers who want a camera that's at a good price for what you get and will last you for a lot of time.

i just used it in this video above and it works.