@Matat: no.isn't the Smithsonian in america?saw it in europe.100% sure it was that suitcase
@Matat: no.isn't the Smithsonian in america?saw it in europe.100% sure it was that suitcase
i've seen this.it's in a museum don't remember where.took a picture of it with my cell.haven't bought my camera yet when i went there.preety awesome yes.and there's a similar suitcase with sausages and lots of kidns of meats
Pre-ordered the collector's edition.they said that it's going to arrive here on the 28th,although!the shipping company normaly has it earlier than that and they bring it to me 2-3days after they get it cause they are bored and stuff idk.gonna annoy the hell out of them till they bring it when it arrives:D
now all that's left is for apple to implement some chips that every iphone can detect into every iphone and have them make a fb app where the data of the user would appear 1 meter abouve the phone's position
@Jaredu: u don't get what i'm saying.i know that you don't lose signal strenght.but what if the user didn't want to have a case and bought an apple dock for it and now he's obligated to remove it every time he wants to dock the phone
ok w8!Number One:if they give a free case to every user,that meaning there are going to be cases that are compatible with the iphone 4 dock that is already out and people have bought cause if you give free cases to fix that problem you can't make another one.if you put a bumber on you can't use Apple's iphone 4…
don't plane have to start worrying about these things getting inside their engines or something?so many people doing this so often now.glad no airplane have fallen from these things
i just saw a thing like that yesterday.it was on E3.but it looked like a spiral or something like that.the guy put it on and relaxes with a breathing excercise.i think it was the Ubisoft conference
omfg!this guy is awesome!it's really sad that he's paralyzed and just from a bouncy castle.they should have warnings or stuff like that for little kids even though they are supposed to be for little kids.but dude ur some good at mw2!above average for sure.if u are that good now if ur figners go back to normal ur gonna…
videos are down
#corrections you says up to five years and say it again afterwards
sound is out of sync
@Chewbenator: laylat wars 2:star fox's revenge!
must be cause that guy hacked the ps3 and it has something to do with the linux faction?so they are checking to see if it disables that hack if they tweak stuff
all is left is to finish up zeus i thing cause i've done all the other gods and hercules and after that play tekken 6 which i'm going to trade with a friend for infamous
@Paul_Is_Drunk: it's not the manufacturer's fault that the child's dad is a retard and left a handgun on the table where she could reach it more even if she played there with her wii
the parents should go to [jail.or] at least the father for leaving a handgun in plain view when knowing that there's a child in the house even in the area and the mom for being there right by her and not caring about it
i can't login to play multiplayer.yesterday i think there was a maintanance cause my friend couldn't log in either and told me he could [before.and] today i just couldn't log in at all neither could my bro
today?i have this for about 2 [months.nor] mor...wtf?