
Do you believe in having a fair and balanced media or having pretty much every outlet on one side or the other?

Just trying to keep the black man down.

Colin Kaepernick, the Tim Tebow of the left.

True, but they still left while Trump went and greeted everyone, but you don’t care.

Impartiality in journalism is at an all-time low. No one reports unbiased news based on facts. Everything is instantly politicized to death.

Clinton did this exact thing after the first debate.

Gawker loves you as long as you agree with them.

I didn’t hear sniffling, but it sounded like he was trying to breathe through his nose, not his mouth, which is still weird when you’re talking.

Deadspin hated Kaepernick pre-SJW. Post-SJW, they are loving him almost as much as Hannity loves Trump.

Have them the parade goes through the West ‘burbs. The crowd will get thinned out pretty quick.

I don’t mind her being on the broadcast, but I think 3 is too many. Everytime she talks, it seems forced. I’d like to hear her call and inning or do more commentary.

Not surprising that this article comes shortly after Hillary is now attacking Johnson to win back votes.

My biggest issue is that we react on emotion with limited to no facts of the case. I want facts, not emotion determining what’s right and wrong. If a cop is in the wrong, please send them to jail to be accountable for their wrongdoing.

I disagree. It still may be a problem, but the generation who was raised by them is now in charge.

Understood, I just hate Trump and being a (former) Republican, I have to make sure I distance myself. As before, have a wonderful day!

You are overstating the “murder in the streets”. Black people are not being hunted down, nor are they being rounded up, tortured, beaten to death, killed for sport, burned alive, gassed, had medical experiments done on them, or being starved to death. Any “bad shoot” should be absolutely punished. We know little to no

They have a right to feel safe in their own community. There has to be a better way than destroying property which only reinforces the bias of those who you are trying to pull to your own side. Racist officers shouldn’t be allowed to work.

I am with you that officer’s need to be better trained in non-lethal use of force. I’m fine with my tax dollars building a new school or improving roads, or helping a soup kitchen feed the homeless. However, our tax dollars are not well-spent by both sides of the aisle.

I can’t understand how violently destroying property (especially things you would need/use for your neighborhood) isn’t doing anything but hurting your cause. Aren’t they pushing people away from hearing the real message? I’m for social equality, but I don’t agree that this is the way to do it.

While I appreciate the play at me being a Trump supporter, it’s misguided. Enjoy your day!