
It’s awesome that you don’t want your son to be in unequal relationships, but as someone who was like his girlfriend when I was her age, I would have been absolutely mortified, and I’m not sure that would have helped? Obviously I appreciate the sentiment, though.

Is it just me, or is the number of comments specifically about the dog kind of weird? I like dogs— I have a dog whom I love— but when I hear about a mentally ill teenage runaway being found safe, it doesn’t make me wonder about her dog. I don’t think it’s a bad thought, it just confuses me a little.

I certainly agree with the need for criticism, but the fact of the matter is that the American presidency is an extremely conservative position, and Obama has (recently) done a bunch of groundbreakingly progressive things for a president.

I’ve been hanging out with penises for several years now, and I have never actually thought about dudes’ pubic hair. Like, I never take note of it? Except once when I got a pube stuck in my teeth?

A petition does not involve giving anyone money.

This is your life, and it’s not worth it to spend it needlessly miserable! Congrats on making a choice that’s better for you.

People are non-monogamous all the time— who knows if he was even deceiving her on that front? There is a huge, huge difference between being married to someone who sleeps around and being married to a serial rapist, even without the added factors of money, reputation, etc.

Oh god, that article. I always regret reading the comments, of course, but I think these commenters really take it to a whole new level.

Good point. Teenagers never watch porn.


You sound smart. Jk.

It’s not that hosts are stupid, then. It’s that they’re poorly trained. If management would “KILL” a host for doing that, then why oh why don’t the hosts know that off the bat? (If that is part of their training and they disregard it, then that’s obviously a problem, but I can’t imagine why that would be the case.)

I won’t speak to the varied nature of black experiences, as that’s not my place. However, I don’t think he’s very intelligent. He asked the victim of an alleged sexual assault why she didn’t just bite Bill Cosby’s penis. That’s not exactly brilliant.

Shower together first?

Nah, he mostly acts like he's a great producer and tastemaker, which I think is true.

I hate capitalistic “feminism,” but this video made me want to go buy a new outfit, so... it’s effective? I guess? ????

American Jews who do that are called “self-hating.” If you believe what you’re doing is right, then why is a little accusatory language stopping you? Furthermore, what you (assuming you are American) and Americans of all ethnic/religious backgrounds who oppose the Israeli government should do is petition OUR

Okay but liiiike, fuck the U.S. government and the way it treats black and Latino/a people and Latino/a immigrants. No one tells foreign performers not to perform here.

This is really cool. I thought it was going to be a “I would never play for that apartheid state!” situation (which would totally be her prerogative, but to which my response is usually, “But you’re American”), but this is a better statement on this type of issue than I’ve ever seen from a performer (not very

And those 200 people never met anyone in their entire lives.