You’re totally right. This comment section is a nightmare.
You’re totally right. This comment section is a nightmare.
Is this meme cultural appropriation?
Why would there be a black kid growing up in Bill Gates’ house?
Does so
Sucks that internet randos get pissed when black people set boundaries about what parts of their culture they don’t want appropriated
The ones Trevor impersonates? Just doing a simple google search brings up videos of him doing Mexican, Arab, Indian (with head-wiggle), Russian, and a bunch of white European that may or may not count.
You don’t understand progressivism
Second, it’s interesting to see how much the culture wars from both sides is basically going from “America, the melting pot” to “America, charcuterie board”.
Tucker only pushed back when Gaetz continually tried to bring him into the narrative. Tucker could not have puckered up his dumb face more with each mention.
Not to mention the fact that most of the public doesn’t know: when you HAVE Million$, you NEED tax write-offs to charitable orgs to minimize how much tax you have to pay to the gubmint! It’s the first thing your accountant tells you when you get one!
Thank you. This is an example of the PTSD that so many people still haven’t processed. People act like Trump is Wolverine or that, as you said, he’s playing 4-D chess but that’s not why he got elected. He got elected (and almost got re-elected) because a lot of people in this country who we thought were good just...are…
It can’t be Victoria Jackson. I used to love her comedy on SNL and movies, but then she got old, swole and became a crazy racist Obama truther. Go figure.
I used to ask myself: What does the 55% of white women that voted for trump look like?
I used to think it was Sarah Palin.
Then i thought Ann Coulter, or her younger clone Tomi Lahren.
I used to think it was the random white Hispanic women here in South Florida, who are crazy and red as hell.
And then I thought it was…
I was kind of shocked to discover that there are more than a few people who don’t believe in Atom Bombs. There was a guy on a car forum I used to be on from Belgium who suddenly posted a whole tirade about the “Fraud of the non-existent atomic bomb!”, or something similar to that. He didn’t believe a rocket engine…
Oh, look: another “free thinker,” whose superior intellect enables him to see the reality behind the lies the rest of the “sheeple” believe. What an iconoclast! What a rebel! Show us the true path, Great One!
For the past month, so much shit is coming from Michigan. Its like their racism standards are strong or weak depending on how you look at it.
Yeah MBDTF was my GOAT for a long while. I fucking loved that album, and would play it every chance I could. The memories of me and my friends in the car singing All of the lights or Monster.
that’s why it so fucking hurts that Kanye went the way he did. I mean I probably like Yeezus more than most people, and I…
He wasn’t going to get the ZOMG he craved because of the era he came in. Michael Jackson hit with the advent and expansion of cable television and satellites for global entertainment along with Cold War West is Best blitzing. Yeezy was end of ‘Wacko Jacko’ life/career with the start of YouTube over-saturation of talent…