This dude got me vaping.
This dude got me vaping.
No, that would be even worse grammar. Just admit that you don’t know how to spell “acceptable” , or “en vouge". You also enable the mass murder of your countrymen. #imdonewithyou
You mean “acceptable”? Are you really this dumb or are you just fucking with me? Smh
It happens as frequently as ppl struck by lightning, but yea it happens...barely
How long where you in prison??? I'm telling you, it so rare it's not worth mentioning. But im not not wasting anymore time repeating myself to you. Stop believing pop culture myths.
You ain't black, little boy. Nice try
There is no "gun ban thing", stupid ass retard. Grow up.
Lol. Try Webster or the actual French language that the phrase is from then. Fucking retard.
We're talking dozens of deaths out of millions of inmates.
Google US prison homicides/ yr.
That’s a myth. If sexual predators actually got beaten to death as you think, there would be dozens of deaths per day (there aren’t). Will his time behind bars suck? Yes. But he isn’t going to be beaten or raped to death either. OZ was just a stupid old HBO show, not reality.
This guy wasn't mentally ill. Neither was last week's terrorist shooter. These are deliberately planned and executed acts of premeditated murder.
It's spelled “En vouge” you fucking dumbass.
AND gluing pubes to his fat face
3 cops did fuck all to prevent the shooter from getting inside.
These teenage mass shootings are contagious...the inspire copycats. They compete for notoriety on 4chan. They call it "the high score".
The root problem is ppl like you...and your easy access to mass murder tools.
3 armed cops couldn't stop this psycho. They expect Mrs. Simmon the to?
The left isn't a party you fucking retard. And fuck you. Suck a barrel.