
Oh, I love telling people to have a nice day, or in my industry, I hope you feel better. I work in an ER, where it is not unusual to have half a dozen of people bitch at me about their wait times over the course of my three hour stint at the front desk every shift (pro tip: if you’re waiting, you’re not dying—at least

My thought exactly. This seems a lot like someone on a small budget trying to get food for the week. Or he’s secretly a bird and he flies back to the nest to puke it up for his babies.

My first thought is that he’s squirreling it away somewhere and is trying to get a week’s worth of food on the cheap. I mean, was someone really watching him eat it all? I could see this being a viable way to survive for someone on a very small budget. I know that is ‘against the rules’ for an AYCE scenario, but if

Obligatory ‘there’s an app for that.’

If everyone’s shitty friends and relatives start ‘having strokes’ eventually the restaurants will catch on. It’s a clever solution for someone who is willing to endure (and pay for) that kind of behavior from others, but I’d definitely be in the “no, I will not be joining you” camp.

And the longer it had gone on without anyone saying anything the more ridiculously awkward that conversation would be. At some point, all those people with questions are just tacitly endorsing her crazy pants because it would be CRAZY WEIRD for her to be lying all this time and SOMEONE REALLY SHOULD HAVE FIGURED IT

Also, thanks for the reply to your 3 year old post!

Lucky! Not that my parents didn’t help while I was in college, because they absolutely did (thanks, guys!), but my formal allowance disappeared when I started working in high school.

My take-away: You were still getting an allowance when you were old enough to vote???

Shrimp tempura is amazing. Not a vegetable. But amazing.

And everything else is decent (okra, eggplant) to great (broccoli, green beans, asparagus, mushrooms), excepting onions, which are a toxic abomination in all their forms.

A coffee shop with no pastries? I am trying to think of a place where this could possibly be. Granted, it would take years of excessive coffee consumption to visit every coffee shop in Portland, but I like to think I’ve got a decent sample size.

Yeah... I’ve never been pregnant (THAT I KNOW OF) but I imagine I’d figure it out pretty quickly. That said, denial is a crazy thing. I’ve worked in a number of ERs, and had one young girl (17/18ish) check in with back and abdominal pain. The nurse went to complete a pelvic exam and found a crowning baby. As they

I’ve just gotten in the habit of ordering by volume, wherever I am. Partly because in the great land of Portland, there are an infinite number of far superior coffee establishments, and partly because there is no way to mistake my meaning when I ask for a 16 oz cup of whatever.

I just recently discovered this series (and Markiplier's playthrough of it). I, too, can't play horror games. I couldn't even play Halflife. But I LOVE watching LPs like this. It's the best. Can't wait to watch Markiplier play this one, too.

You're aware that normal, law-abiding, generally good Christian people are the norm, right? The norm very rarely needs to speak up to make themselves heard, because they are already the dominant group and the world is already set up for them. We atheists are very aware that you exist. No need to shout or use silly

Do you seriously think no one knows this? We all live in this world. And for anyone here, the vast majority of religious (and nonreligious) people they know are going to be decent people. Because most people are decent. The study just indicates that on average, kids raised in secular households are slightly more

It's one thing to not care whether or not your partner has your passwords, it's another thing to actively share them to 'check up' on each other. Boy knows my passwords to pretty much everything, mostly because they're all pretty much the same, and also mostly because at some point I've needed him to log into


I'm not sure I'd go that far. I love to watch LPs , particularly for games that I can't play myself. I should actually find a good HL LP, since I couldn't make myself progress past the first houndeyes. I love watching the good horror games this way.

I don't see anything wrong with it. Sounds like the kid could probably stand to hear it a few more times. :)