Yes, mutations from the norm happen in biology.
Yes, mutations from the norm happen in biology.
No. Male and female is a scientific identity in almost every sexually reproducing organism in nature.
Science says otherwise.
You have hundreds of children murdered by gun violence in your country every year for decades. That hasn’t changed the gun culture of your shithole nation at all.. why would more dead children change it now? You are a nation governed by savages with a significant populace that is equally barbaric who cling to their…
If dead kids won’t help move gun policy along I don’t think anyone is gonna care if they are walking out of school.
Whatever happened to “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but names will never hurt me”?
People’s resilience and ability to not be physically harmed by words is not a reason to perpetuate demeaning and hateful expressions, even if they’ve lost some of that ugliness over time. I get what you’re saying here (they’re only words, right?), but this concept of “people just shouldn’t take it the wrong way” is…
The English language is constantly evolving, with new words and phrases spreading among us like an infection—we hear…
the thing is I know a lot of women who are looking for hookups with no baggage, but you have to make SOME effort. Just because you want to bang one out doesn’t mean you don’t treat the other person like a human. And that’s what many men miss. So many guys could have had a ride on this rollercoaster if they had only…
First of all, I might love you (and of course, XKCD). Second of all, you haven’t being negged until it’s by the 83 year old grandfather of one of your closest friends.
I would’ve totally gone to the movie theater, but he wanted to come back to my place, and when I said no, he was almost guilting me and talking about how I’m “afraid of the world.”
Yeah, fuck that asshole.
I mean the bar is literally “recognize that women are human beings” and yet so many don’t manage to clear it.
He was trying to neg and then got mad when it didn’t work hahahahaha
I told Mr. Bells that if he’s abducted by aliens tomorrow, I’m going back to dating women. Perks of bisexuality, I guess.
The vibe I got off the original letter was (1) the letter-writer is assertive when it counts, but has imbibed too much female social conditioning on being nice and not hurting feelings, and (2) the guy has made a study of how to manipulate and gaslight women (“oh, technique #5 for getting her into bed didn’t work,…
I told him that I’d say that we had pretty good conversation and it was cool. He then said that he didn’t enjoy himself. And I just said “ok take care.” He then insisted that he was joking and got mad that I was so quick to say goodbye.
That guy has absolutely sexually assaulted a woman and tried to pin the blame on her for some bullshit reason or another. No question.
but he wanted to come back to my place, and when I said no, he was almost guilting me and talking about how I’m “afraid of the world.”