Everybody knows that the best (and only?) cure for a hangover is ripping a bong, eating breakfast, and then going back to bed.
Everybody knows that the best (and only?) cure for a hangover is ripping a bong, eating breakfast, and then going back to bed.
It’s fucking crazy! It’s like that 1 in 4 statistic that feminists have been claiming for a long while is actually true!
unless you managed to intervene against a molester and forgot to tell us, you’re no hero.
I would change the word harassing with ‘preying’ and harasser with ‘predator’. Other than that you’re spot on.
Of course not. Adults are supposed to know better, and be held to a higher standard.
It’s a new social revolution that is long overdue.
Yes? Cruise ships are notoriously for male employees cornering female employees because where else can they go if they’re on a boat? There’s even been A LOT of complaints of sexual harassment in the park ranger occupation which seems like a lucrative job to begin with...
Cool story. If those ‘women in high school’ did that as adults in the scope of their workplace, then they should lose their jobs as well.
I hope Stanley Tucci also escapes unscathed. But he has a penis so I’m not going to hold my breath here.
“I don’t even know what to say to a woman, anymore!” That’s a legitimate problem. We shouldn’t be laughing at them like the answer is obvious. That’s not fair. We’ve put sexual harassment training everywhere - telling men what NOT to do - but now we need to teach them what they CAN do. How they SHOULD act.
I’m old enough to have gotten the following advice: “don’t ever go back to a man’s place unless you want to have sex. To them, it means you want it if you agree to go and you can’t change your mind.” Look at how many old movies and not so old movies show a man forcibly trying to kiss someone and then that person…
I think what’s happened is that a bunch of people suddenly realized that there’s a window open where they can report this stuff without getting reprised against and so everyone’s reporting everything they kept quiet about for the sake of their career.
Not just that but it explains a lot about why the storylines for the female characters were so underdeveloped and sexist.
[0] days since the last sexual assault by a Hollywood bigwig.
Just assume that every female on the planet, and a whole lot of males, have been sexually harassed and/or assaulted vis a vis their jobs and we’ve now reached critical mass where these revelations have taken on a life of their own. And we’re only on showbiz at this point. We haven’t even gotten into religion or…
I guess you really can’t lock up the darkness after all.
Heyyyy, maybe they’ll be able to write romance storylines that aren’t creepy as fuck on that show now! And even give Iris a little agency!
I know, I just finished trying to digest George Takei, along with what Anthony Edwards revealed.
This is getting insane, you know it’s getting insane when you start to lose track of how many allegations there are in any given 24 hour period now.