
Helps when no one is trying to legislate your reproductive organs. Must be nice.

Let’s all read a quick story: A Lifehacker writer posts about a gender disparity in political activism as found by some sources. She puts those sources. Then, the responses range from:

I’m sorry, but you don’t get a cookie just for recognizing that there’s a problem. You say it’s “more than most can do.” OK, then do better white men. Develop and practice some empathy. We need you to be better. Recognizing that there are problems and doing nothing about it is tacit approval and the textbook

“We just don’t care as much, and you can’t make us. I wish I did, but I’m not oppressed, so how can I?”

Hmm, so you’re saying you are of the opinion that the male of our species has not evolved since prehistoric times, but we females have? That’s incredibly insulting to men. Apologize.

Yes, we can expect you not to be self-absorbed monsters. Is that truly too high a bar for you, to give a crap about anyone other than yourself for 5 minutes? That is sad.

That doesn’t work for the dishes either, but nice try.

Damn, you can post on Kinja from a 1953 suburb? That is amazing.

Is it possible to subscribe to afiltered lifehacker RSS feed without having to read posts like this?

C’mon dude. With all the time saved by not shaving that neck-beard, you would think there’s time in the day to call your local rep.

Likely the exact opposite is true; all of the politically active women I know are working women - single/married, parent/non-parent, straight/gay - doesn’t matter. Welcome to 2017 where “supporting” your family means a lot more than having a job.

For the last 10 weeks or so, I have been calling my congressman’s office several times a week. My husband doesn’t call but hears my calls and then tells me what I should have said.

If the shoe fits...

Oh PLEASE send me that email. Sending the ‘not interested, k bye!’ Email back is SO satisfying. Got to do it once and it was lovely.

This. There is no “undo” button for ghosting. You ghost me, you gone forever. You showed me what kind of person you really are, don’t even.

Why would you want to un-ghost? Once an ex is exed, going back is a recipe for disaster.

Let’s see. We went out several times, I really liked you, we might even have had sex a couple of times and met each other’s friends, and then you blew me off and disappeared, leaving me upset, hurt, confused, and trying to figure out what is so wrong with me that you couldn’t even bring yourself to say “goodbye”. I

Once again, I propose that the ghost emoji becomes the universal symbol for “gtfo of my life” and you can send it and the other person will know what it means, no awkward ghosting behavior required. Spread the gospel please!

Don’t do it. You be gone so stay gone.