I really did not like that scene where Eleven gets pissed off about Max. She hasn’t scene Mike in almost a year and he’s right in front of her, but she fucking leaves because he’s talking to another girl!? God, that pissed me off.
As someone old enough to remember being a shithead kid in 1984, a couple of things really stood out to me about this scene.
I couldn’t disagree more.
The absence of physical controls for certain functions (Wipers, primary HVAC, etc) is idiocy. Those are things for which you should pretty much not need to take your eyes off the road. I predict.... pain.
“Assholes” read: privileged white dudes:
Man, I love American history.
You just *know* that the studio really wants a white guy. And that all this “we can’t find a guy after 2000 auditions” is just cover for when they announce that Aladdin will be played by Hugh Jackman.
This post is two years old, but I wanted to comment because the bit about Maroon 5 sucker-punched me in a way I didn’t expect. I can picture that panic attack so clearly. My youngest sister has Down’s and is/was a crazy Jonas Bros fan. I took her to see Nick Jonas when he was in How to Succeed on Broadway a few years…
God help us all
that junkrat player is my spirit animal
Personally, I see it a lot from Genjis, Hanzos and Junkrats. Always when they’re playing as if they’re tanks.
“Diagnosis: Stylish” did make me laugh out loud, so I guess I am part of the problem.
Hey Kirk! Animator here, although I’m by no means an expert and I’m not involved with Horizon in any way so I have no concrete insight into the development of this animation flourish.
That doesn’t describe the story at all. The story is undeniably true: the dossier exists, and contains the claims BuzzFeed attributes to it, and has been circulating within high levels of the federal government. That’s all true. Nobody is disputing any of it.
No secret for me. The minute I started playing The Witcher 3 nothing else really seemed to matter much. Haven’t had a game grab me like that since I was a teenager.
Is this news? I thought that was the guiding principle behind turbos anyway - better MPGs because it relies on you cruising at low RPMs. My old Audi A4 was fine at 2500 RPM but I knew that stepping on it was going to drive the MPG down quickly. Did people really think there was something for nothing here?