
The disillusioned 15-year-old in me is giving you a star for that. Well done. 

Yeah this is what happens when a journalist with a very basic knowledge of the world is tasked with making as much clickbait as possible and hits the bottom of the barrel.

AV Club is getting really good at these “look at what’s wrong with the media" posts to use meta-commentary to excuse itself of doing the exact same thing as everyone else: getting clicks off commenting about shallow aesthetics or irrelevant gossip. 

The easy test to show that Qanon is just a smear campaign against the Democrats is that there are plenty of cults in America that tick all the boxes, including Scientology, but QAnon is pointedly ignoring them and just targeting Democrats. 

100% also agreed. Part of me wonders if there was something else going on. 

The irony is that Morgan is now popular with the people who were baying for him to be hanged when he was fired from the Mirror for publishing fake photos of the Army committing atrocities against Muslim captives and was embroiled in phone-tapping scandals.

standing out amid nearly identical “landfill indie” bands. The Horrors weren’t trying to imitate other major British indie bands at the time

Well, Apple isn’t a manufacturer for a start. They’re a marketing company that talks big and then slaps their logo on something designed and made by someone else. When it breaks, they sling it on the e-waste heap and sell a new one, deliberately designing something to make it near impossible to repair or upgrade. The

The faster the world learns that free speech doesn't include lies, slander, prejudice and bigotry the better. Piers was taken down by free speech, not exercising his right to it. The execs kept him on the telly because he's an oaf who says oafish things and it gets attention. Like a child throwing a tantrum. 

We’ll never know what was really said and who was really right or wrong. So all this media frenzy is absolutely pointless. The fact is the conservative press are using it as a distraction from how badly the government have screwed the pooch in the last year, the actual facial corruption issues and the fact that a

By talking about a thing, you’re MAKING IT A THING.

Barry Allen is back in a... sausage?

“You must be fun at parties" is the distress beacon of people who are the absolute least fun at parties.


Bizarrely, this was so close to my personal comfort film list that I feel a bit creeped out.

Man, that's funny on so many levels. Have a star.

Not great, historically. I mean, many of us started out as GMG subscribers due to all the leaks being published. 

+1. If my mouth doesn't water at some point in the film, it isn't a Ghibli. 

Nope. I’m not falling for that one again.

Does anyone else feel like the end credits account for about half the episode length? It feels intentionally drawn out to pad the run-time.