If you can drop $100,000 on a car, you’re probably not the guy who needs to worry about $5000 for a replacement windscreen.
I want one BADLY. If I start saving now on my current budget I’ll be able to afford one in 56 years.
Maybe it wasn’t so much the ‘pull’ as the ‘steer’. If you can use the boom to gently bring the plane into a healthier angle of attack you can help take the strain off the engines and the hydraulics, particularly with the thrust-dependent aerodynamics of the Phantoms. If the boom was a shoulder to lean on, that…
Still patiently waiting for an update to Witcher 3 that lets me pet all the kitties.
High five with a hand grenade? Genius.
I would guess - GUESS - that this originated as an overzealous attempt to take down any unauthorised hosting of the original trailers and TV spots and that the mentions of their own trailer in the text is actually where it’s been hosted by third parties as click-fodder, which happens a lot with films and is a good way…
If the shopkeepers don’t say “Yoo hoo big summer blowout!” when I walk in then it’s a pass.
Naaah stormtroopers occasionally hit something.
If a bot took my ‘job’ in a multiplayer match it would only improve my score.
It’s on a track. It’ll turn to follow the magnets. That’s the weird thing about superconductor magnets.
Oh hell yes. I’d be happy with a modern version of X-Wing vs Tie-Fighter for VR. I need to get a new joystick though.
Oh that’s fine then. No matter how badly it hurts me, I can just plug into a wall socket and be instantly healed.