Turtlenecks, huh?
Turtlenecks, huh?
I see they all went shopping at the Gap before this.
Did this feel a bit rushed to anyone else? It felt like everything after the opening flashback went by super quick. I went and checked the runtime and this was also the shortest episode yet, and about 10 minutes of it was just credits and the Behind the Episode stuff.
Kelly Clarkson has a talk show?
I don’t see what the big deal is. Everything in this episode was exactly like the game. Even the kiss.
The beef that crushes man’s skulls like a sparrow’s egg between his thighs?
Joel wasn’t a hero. That’s what people couldn’t seem to grasp and when he was killed, they lost their minds.
Watching anybody eat is a little creepy.
It doesn’t look like some random scene. It stands out. So I think it’s meant to be Dina.
Oh my god, this is why my ATV would never start in the spring when I was a kid. I didn’t need to run all that Seafoam through it, I didn’t need to re-jet the carbs. I just needed to use gas that wasn’t from last fall.
I understand what you’re getting at, but end of the day both of those choices are strategic moves made in the interests of the business. From a human point of view it really sucks, from a business point of view buying another company and it’s IP still makes sense.
We can afford to spend $70 billion buying a company, but can’t afford to pay 10,000 people!
An important part of the story is that he bought a pig as a pet, not understanding that they grow up to become regular sized pigs.
plllleeeeease dont make it a love story,plllleeeeease dont make it a love story,plllleeeeease dont make it a love story,plllleeeeease dont make it a love story,plllleeeeease dont make it a love story,plllleeeeease dont make it a love story,plllleeeeease dont make it a love story,
Sony is definitely getting some weird favoritism here. The fact that everything they have said they are worried about Microsoft doing is straight from the Sony playbook of shit they’ve been doing for more than a decade is pretty clearly hypocritical. People keep pointing to Microsoft being a bigger company ignoring…
Are there really enough differences between the 360 and the current controllers to justify this? It’s not like re-releasing the Wavebird for the Switch or something.
Everyone go home...this is the winner comment.
Starred for truth.
You could make this list 100 games long and still be leaving good games off.