
So far they’ve only had to deal with a single fact!

The logical fail here kills me: The actual crowd size has nothing to do with past predictions about Trump’s future support or achievements.

If I’m reduced to finding joy in Justin Bieber, shoot me now.

Lord Almighty! The slo mo shows him flirting with Ivanka!

This video proves to me once and for all that this woman is dumb as a stump. She just repeats everything Trump says to her without question. No critical faculties whatsoever. Then again, I don’t know what I expected.


You’ll need the NPI’s address for the form:

Their address for the form is:

P.O. Box 100563
Arlington VA 22210

They were so delicious that I was in constant risk of running through the whole pack.

Let’s do this instead:

Do you want to do something non-violent and positive?

Richard Spencer’s hate tank, the National Policy Institute, is classified as a 501c3 tax-exempt charitable organization.

The suspenders and no blouse look. Refreshing. Liberating. It’s like Calvin Klein can peer into our very souls.

Neutralizing my online persona, as per the original start of this originally lighthearted conversation, means that I would have to silence it. Destroy it. Remove it.

a) You got 75 stars for mentioning you were a guy. And if you actually think that’s a problem on Jezebel, 1) you didn’t need to mention it and 2)you’re not a feminist.

as I in no way (ever) have posted anything to suggest anything of the sort. About any woman. Ever.

Tech industry response if we actually started doing this: “Naw, not another one of those fucking cunt “initials only” resumes! All we need is another fucking feminazi trying to pretend she’s a man. Walking lawsuit. Pass.”