
Nicholas, 2040.

Nicholas, 13 doesn’t know it but all the straight girls at his school have a crush on him.

That is brain twister. I hope your daughter asks all kinds of pointed questions in that innocent little kid way.

Exhibit C makes me realize what’s wrong with Melania’s dress: It’s too Communist Russia! The blue, the collar, her incredibly severe facial expressions ... she’s Comrade Melania.

I’ve never posted photos before so I hope these aren’t insanely big. But here is some interspecies love to refresh our souls. Not sure if you can tell, but the second photo is my new kitten sleeping on my dog’s hind paw.

I think this is good advice. Last summer I was feeling this way, and whenever I pushed myself outside around other people I was struck by how normal and happy things suddenly got. I mean, I’d go home and get depressed again but in the moment around people I’d rejoin life.

I’m going straight to hell but that was hilarious. NotATacoTruck, do NOT take this comment seriously. But My arm! thank you, thank you for making it because I needed the laugh.

You’re worth staying alive. Hang in there.

If Michelle had worn it we’d all be swooning.

I do not understand the weather. Huma sleeveless, Michelle in short sleeves, everyone else in coats, and only Melania with gloves. This inauguration is confusing.

We coulda had 100,000 signatures, people.

We need strategies to deal with Senators from other states and Reps from other districts. Especially when they try to pass unethical laws. 

Self-deprecating jokes are great when they break the tension, but mostly they don’t work. Trying to identify the reasons ...

If “nosy” implies bias, so does “simply” because it removes any agency from her action.

Please find out what Huma Abedin’s new job is. I just Googled it but only found out that she spent her holidays in the Hamptons and that Weiner wants her back.

Y’all are doing God’s work.

Everyone probably knows this already but I only just learned it: In 2010 Karl Rove led the Republicans in a push to gerrymand their congressional districts. They redrew all their district lines so that they could stack the House with Republicans. Of 18 states with gerrymandered districts that affect election outcomes,

Magical Canine.

-Intentions: What I meant about intentions is that you can be racist without being aware of it or intending to be racist. It’s still racist, which is why it’s important to keep examining your own bias. I didn’t mean “it doesn’t matter whether or not she called the cops because he was black.” I meant the opposite —