
Unpopular opinion: I’m annoyed with the guy taking the video. If I were trying to work in that weather, the last thing I’d want is to stop and talk to Mike Wallace here with his phone shoved in my face second guessing me. That’s not the way to start a conversation.

It’s like manna from heaven to read a list that doesn’t require you to click through.

Sleep paralysis is one of the symptoms of sleep apnea. Along with other weird stuff like a swollen tongue (with cuts on the side of your tongue from your teeth scraping it), sore throats and headaches, and wanting to sleep all the fucking time.

We desperately need more anger/rage management training in this nation.

You make a compelling point.

You know what’s confusing? How few new funny Christmas songs are written. You’d expect at least 5 new funny songs a year, with 1 of those bubbling to the top every couple of years. But instead we’re just on repeat with circa 1950s, 60s, and 70s songs. I don’t know if things would be less or more horrible with new

Hell yes let’s get this War on Christmas started! So far it’s just been a few volleys in the name of common courtesy and the separation of church and state. Now it’s about survival. Let the slaughter of Christmas albums begin.

I’ve never heard that expression before but it’s perfect! Those should be the official four presents for Christmas.

I was 9 when the first PotA came out. My sister worked in a movie theater and could get the whole family free tickets. There was much debate over whether or not I was old enough to see it and finally after I begged and begged and after I was drilled extensively about how it was “just a movie and not real” I was

When I was a little kid there was always some weird suggestion of rape in TV shows. Even Lassie. Once the bad guy trapped a little girl in a cave, removed her shoes, and broke bottles everywhere so she couldn’t walk out. Then he called her “girlie.” I had no idea what it all meant but it turned my stomach.

In real life it’s not a plot device. Rape happens and most survivors don’t report it or even talk about it because if they do they’ll be shamed and disbelieved. That doesn’t make for good TV.

Dying with laughter. When my husband’s grandpa wouldn’t stop driving despite everyone in their small town calling up his kids to report stuff like, “At the bank today he drove up onto the sidewalk for a while, nearly hitting some pedestrians,” the kids hatched a brilliant plan.

IMHO, you’re an excellent writer and that expresses it very well.

Dude, don’t take away my tinfoil. It’s all I have left.

Nope. Just nope.

Thank you. Now go forth and continue to be awesome. :)

While I applaud your refusal to ride a float in our tinfoil hat parade, let me add a few foily facts to yours:

Whereas all of my ancestors as far back as the 1700s were born here. And I wouldn’t vote for Trump if he were the last American on earth.

Yeah, sorry. Everyone else wrote all these lovely positive suggestions but I guess I’m still reeling. I really like the suggestions, though, and I’ll keep trying. Although maybe in person is better than in the comment section. The thing is, I live in probably the most left city in America so I never meet anyone like

I absolutely cannot believe you received 168 stars for making fun of a disability or a person’s appearance. Amblyopia is extremely common and not at all creepy.