
Right, and if you preparing kids for those sorts of work environments, I understand. But there are a ton of jobs in the US where you can be successful, work at home, and wear whatever you want except for days you have to come into the office for a meeting.

Well, sortof. Essentially, different offices have different base standards for dress; in general the main criteria how well you perform your job. But for a whole host of professions, how well you do your job is tied in directly to how you dress.

Those are also delicious.

Oh, I'm not justifying their stupidity in their reactions towards you. I'm just explaining it. There's a long history of women who are offended and who feel threatened by other women they perceive, rightly or wrongly, as showing off. I have no respect for people who are so easily offended.

Many people are offended at blatant displays of other people's sexuality. Most people don't know how to handle it.

This never changes; the fashions just become more expensive. See: Prada, Gucci, etc...

Yet many professional, corporate environments have extremely lax dress-codes. It entirely depends on what you do and if your job requires you to deal with clients or the general public. In fact, there are a ton of jobs in the US where you can literally wear whatever you want to work.

I work in a corporate environment, and I am able to wear pretty much whatever I want to work, including things high-schoolers would wear to school. It depends on what you do. This is often forgotten by folks who try to indoctrinate kids with conformity. Sadly, many educators forget that in many corporate

Because they are delicious.

No of course not; I certainly understand that my experience is by far the minority of what constitutes racism in this country; in fact it is very uncommon. But it does exist, and it's real enough to me when I have had stuff thrown at me by black men literally for no other reason than I was having dinner with a black

That's true, white people did write them. I did not, however. Individuals can be racist towards other individuals; it doesnt just have to be all of society. Those men said specifically racist things towards me because I was a white guy dating a black woman. How is calling a white man a "jungle-lovin mother-fucker"

You did not read what I wrote. I am a white person, and I have been a victim of racism.

Because some white people have been victims of racism. I wouldn't have thought it was possible until it happened to me; I dated a black woman in San Francisco for a few years, and I got called all sorts of names by black men on the street when I went out with her. This was not a figment of my imagination; it does

Because only POC have been vicitms? No, wake up...people of all colors and races sadly, can be racist, and that is true for black folks being racist towards whites, and vice-versa. The latter is much more common, but that doesn't invalidate the experiences of some white people who have been victims of racism from

Because some white people have been victims of racism. I've been called all sorts of names by some black men for dating a black woman. She also got called names for dating a white guy. Happens all the time. I had stuff thrown at me and almost assaulted because I was dating a black woman.

Well, I'm probably not representative of white people, but I would have to answer that I've certain;y been a victim of racism. Try being a white guy and date a black woman. The sorts of things that people will say to you, both white AND black (although most of the instances came from black men) proves that at least

Didn't Facebook spend 19 Billion Frikkin Dollars to buy this application?

Perhaps Butte? nah...

Better than Queens.

I wonder how many parents in Brooklyn name their little girls Dakota or Georgia?