I would like to say that the entertainment value of the amount of smack-talking that is about to occur here is going to be infinitely more enjoyable than that game.
I would like to say that the entertainment value of the amount of smack-talking that is about to occur here is going to be infinitely more enjoyable than that game.
This is very funny. This could be a super bowl commercial and people would be talking about it for weeks. Well done.
Whatever you do, DON'T OPEN IT.
When will iFart get an update, that's what I want to know.
No, it was to kill some Japanese. But not all of them, which is what a genocide is.
They won't because they are dead. But the millions who were NOT killed by those bombs would probably agree, yes.
Who cares. A genocide is an attempt to wipe out an entire people, race, or ethnic group.
Exactly, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not genocides. They were bombs that killed a lot of people, but not in an attempt to wipe them all out, unlike the Holocaust. Pretty basic difference, really.
This sort of thing goes way back amongst the royals. I believe the Prince Regent ran out of money once...his solution was to marry into wealth.
Give me a break. Would you say the same thing about Iron Chef? When the US did it's two versions of that show, we ripped off the things that Americans liked about the original and added our own. We also kept some of the kooky aspects of the original.
The victim, or at least someone with his name, has apparently had a number of run-ins with the law. This information doesn't seem to make it to these reports, but if you Google the guy's name, you'll see what I mean.
Traditionally Japanese does not have accents on syllables in words the same way we do. Americans don't generally pronounce multi-syllabic words without adding an accent to at least one syllable. So really it doesn't matter how we do do it, as long as it's consistent. Which it appears it is.
Great article.
My suspicion is that this occurs only if you get the update, which you don't have to do to be able to play the game.
If you are a DJ, it's usually easy to get into clubs. In San Francisco, you used to be able to politely request "Club Courtesy" and get in for Free or for a discount. You can still do this occasionally...bouncers are much more attuned to the bullshitters out there that try to get in for free using this, and they…
I suspect Asperger's with sociopathic tendencies in this guy. He is sad, it is true...but also dangerous, as there is a restraining order against him.
It's possible for multiple mental illness issue to arise in people. This person to me sounds like he clearly has Asperger's AND is displaying sociopathic tendencies. They can unfortunately co-exist.
Am I the only one who get's this right? The guy clearly has some form of Asperger's syndrome with sociopathic tendencies. They can exist together, unfortunately...yeah, he has problems.
I think he is a sociopath with Asperger's syndrome.
If it wasn't for hiring ex-prisoners and known criminals, we wouldn't be gifted with the appearance of this ex-gangbanger in hundreds of movies: