I always thought Miami Vice was the main inspiration for Vice City. Guess I was wrong.
I always thought Miami Vice was the main inspiration for Vice City. Guess I was wrong.
Sad to see that, due to all the rants, both compliments and constructive criticism won't reach Bioware's writer(s) anymore. After all, some pretty solid feedback can be found in the community as well.
Really awesome case (the polarizing effect of its design make it even cooler). Love the Snow Edition. Might look into getting one as a replacement for my CM 690 II when Haswell launches.
I was looking at these pics with the Sogeking theme song in my head. Somehow it seems really fitting.
This actually made me laugh out loud. :-)
Very true. Kickstarter campaigns often seem to be nothing more than a collection of ideas without any clear goals or milestones except for "have a finished product at the end". Even the simplest of business plans would prevent some of the 'surprises' these people encounter.
I personally view Kotaku as a blog, not a news website, so personal opinions are in articles are OK (and often welcome and amusing). Sure, I hold Kotaku to higher standards than I would the average blog, but I don't view the people writing for it as journalists.
Looks good, guess I'll be picking this up. It has more of a Constantine vibe to it than a DMC vibe, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. As for Dante: I'll just pretend he is the real Dante's son.
First thing I noticed in AC III were the eyes. The eyes actually have life in them!
Yeah this was my first thought. Some parts are completely identical to Equilibrium.
Couldn't agree more. Outside of old and mysterious environments, I miss Jesper Kyd's soundtracks the most. AC III's soundtrack isn't exactly what I would call memorable.
Outside of the 'Evil Washington' DLC, what other single player DLC have you planned for ACIII?
What?! Everyone knows unicorns live in lairs. Just like rabbits.
Agreed. That is a far more likely explanation.
There's plenty to be done with the Outsider and the religion and mythology focused around him. Just pick another character on one of the other isles who has to right a wrong using the Outsider's powers.
Going with the i7 will only benefit you in number-crunching or heavy rendering (like rendering 3D projects, rendering in video editing applications, Folding@Home, etc.). This is the reason why they are favoured in workstations for professional use. For general purpose and gaming there will be no noticeable benefit.
Let me put it this way: As it is now, the Vita is the best PSP I ever had.
Sad to see this is still the case.
Thanks for this, Brian. Informative article and a good read. And some of the clips made my day. :-)