
I know exactly what you mean. I have 101 games in Steam and with exactly 60 of them I have never even pressed the 'Play' button. Not because they are bad games, mind you. I bought all of them because I liked the genre and because I genuinely thought they were going to be fun to play. For my consoles I still have Final

Something tells me you have never actually seen the show Pawn Stars and you have no idea what I was referring to.

I agree, it's OK to shuffle the rules.

Now playing

This piece of gameplay video should give you an idea. ;-)

I don't really get the maid fetish either. Naked apron on the other hand...

You want more? Have you ever heard of a video game auction? No? Neither have I. Finding a customer for this takes time.

I'll probably get bashed by both sides of the discussion for this, but I think whether pirating games is warranted depends a lot on the (financial) circumstances.

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Needing to know exactly what the numbers mean isn't a requirement for PC building, let alone for gaming on one. ;-) Going through the numbers is more for the die-hard PC users.

Ever since the great Mass Effect 3 riots of 2012 it seems to be the new buzzword in gaming.

Same here. I have dozens of games on my iPhone and iPad (mostly adventures and RPG's), but I never play them. Even though there are some quality games for iOS, I miss the tactile feedback of real buttons. I bought a Fling when it came out (joystick you stick on your screen), but it just isn't the same.

I was expecting something like in 28 days later, but this is kind of calming.

Pick one up used. There are plenty of people who are disappointed in the Vita due to lack of releases.

I feel really sorry for those that became unemployed due to this. Zynga is a typical case of a company growing too large, too quickly.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm under the impression a diamond wedding ring is more of an American thing. I personally don't know anyone here in Europe who has proposed with a diamond ring (most of my friends come from western Europe though).

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Adrian Ripburger was voiced by Mark Hamil as well? Mind = blown.

I have dozens of games on my iPad (including SquareEnix titles) but I never play them. I just miss the feeling of having actual buttons and tactile feedback.

Might have to take the bait this time. I'm still using the iPad 1, but often the interface is slow and unresponsive and some apps are unstable while running fine on iPad 2's and 3's (I refuse to call it 'the new iPad').

I don't have any bad experiences with Origin (it's not a bad service), but for some reason or another I don't give it the same level as trust as I give Steam. I still only buy physical copies of EA games, while I have over 100 games in my Steam account.

During the previous two console generations you could buy $150 TFT displays that you could mount on your PSOne or PS2. These displays would turn the console into something similar to this project.

Their pitch was too vague. As other posters indicated, they simply slapped the buzzword 'old school' in front of everything without indicating what EXACTLY they were planning to do.