Yeah, I hope they use something other than zombies for this DLC. There are more than enough zombie games on the market already.
Yeah, I hope they use something other than zombies for this DLC. There are more than enough zombie games on the market already.
I own every Sony console since the original Playstation in '96 (bought a Vita last week), but I'm not afraid to admit that Sony has created a whole bunch of clusterfucks in this console generation. Stupid quotes made by executives, strategic mistakes, being out of touch with their customers, etc. You name it and Sony…
Adblocker or popup-blocker (image opens in a new window) perhaps?
Seriously, if this is true you deserve to be hit with both the Kotaku and Xbox Live ban-hammer. If there's one person that would deserve it, it would be you.
It's unlikely Sony would be able to do any more Kevin Butler commercials even if they wanted to.
Somehow reminds me of Philips AmBX, which would use light, wind and a rumble pad for further immersion in PC games.
Lot #237 & 241 make me curious as well; "Contents of the room". Could be anything.
I get where you're coming from and there is much truth in your words. No intention to belittle anyone. Perhaps I look at the subject too much from my own cultural framework.
Such a waste of the Kingdoms of Amalur IP.
Yeah, some of the voice-acting can be pretty bad. I never understand why they don't just leave JRPG's with the original, often superior, Japanese voice-acting and sub everything. Makes for cheaper and quicker localization as well.
Works for mainland Europe as well. Much appreciated!
Completely forgot about the fact that he drew the original flag like that! :-)
Same here. "Not available in your country"
I think it's awesome. Like he just drew it on with permanent marker.
That's just sad :-( Hope your friend got you another game in return.
Actually the Kinect itself is a great piece of hardware. You only have to look at the countless number of scientific projects that use the Kinect. For example, the University of Surrey is using the Kinect for a in-orbit docking system for satellites.
KotOR 1 & 2 and Jade Empire were very good reasons to get one.
Given that the owner of the net café is worried, why doesn't he let the guy do some work for the café in exchange for online time? I know from experience that after a long time of being unproductive it's easy to get into a downward spiral, feel useless and lose your self-esteem.
You mean Luka 'Rocco' Magnotta, the Canadian porn actor that ate his boyfriend?
If he didn't even realize that he was offending and sexually harassing women until the internet pointed it out to him, he really needs help.