

"it's flat and cut into rectangles." So… it's fried noodles?

I have watched nearly ever single King Arthur movie, tv show, and cartoon, and I have read soooo many stories and books and novels about the legend. And still my favorites are The Sword and the Stone, and King Arthur (the one with Clive Owen), and Merlin (both the miniseries with whatshisface, and the TV show from the

He might not know the difference between shit and Shinola, either.

Why did I even click through to read this? What am I doing with my life? I need to be to work in 2 hours and here I sit in my pajamas drinking coffee and reading stupid shit.

The closest Costco to me is nearly 100 miles away. But since it's in PA, it wouldn't matter, because we can't buy booze in stores like real adults.

Depends on your definition of party…

jesus christ reddit a.v. club

Tell me more, tell me more, did you get very far?

I thought we deleted Uber.

I expect her to debut a single, at least, on SNL. I am hoping for something new, and some favorite, maybe her cover of Everybody Wants To Rule The World, or White Teeth Teens.

Man, that show sure sounds different from the pilot I watched… Should I give it a second chance? Or is it yet another CW genre drama that has basically become a moody teen soap opera?

'nother cow

u wot

Okay what is a listicle? That is the second time I've seen that word in as many days.

But Ross's son is a baby…

I think you have to pay extra for Rectify. It's one of Those Channels.

Ron Swanson on The Woodwright's Shop would be good. I don't think he could tolerate Roy's antics for long though.

TIL Cotton Eye Joe was a cover…