
The biggest blunder is the final pit stop. You’re here to tell me that...


“But does it’ll the 124 sound as good as the 500”

Where am I?!

It should be made out of floppy leather so it just sags in the vent hole.

Rolls Royce floating wheel emblems

I call shenanigans on that edit. I can spot a Crown Vic out of my peripheral vision in my rear view mirror at night in the fog with its lights off from about a mile. Maybe two.


I was going to say the same thing. And it looks pretty Audi-ish up front.

And EPIC moustache.

Huh, what did they lie about again? I heard they were having a 25% off sale!

MX-5, I know it’s been a long time...

I’m sure times have come and gone where you thought our ruts would cause us to abandon each other. That time, your cousin FD3S came over... and I lusted after her so hard that you thought I had forgotten you. That time when we drove out to B.C., and your head gasket started to

Man with Punch-Bug Expects Answers Besides Volkswagen Beetle.

She did. They arrested her for arson because she lit it up with those hot moves.

It’s not just me, right?

Take an undeniably awesome Porsche 930 and wait what the hell happened to the front end. Nope, just no.

Oh boy, I am going to get a lot of shit from people, but I could never see the justification for that front. It looks like a high person smiling. Sorry. Don’t kill me. Please.

I will never understand what it is about this chromed out Suburban that people find appealing.