Tesla Roadster.
Tesla Roadster.
BMW i3, Tesla Model S, or any other electric car really.
Fuck calling all of these “Tesla Killers.” I know it’s not your words so I’m not mad here, just frustrated by the manufacturers.
If you look closely, those stills above are actually gifs of the game running in real-time with this mod on.
Front wheel drive.
Places like that won’t get this service. Why would they build a drone facility in Bumfuck, Nowhere?
I'm thankful for each and every TDI involved in the emissions scandal. Why? Mainly because I feel it was a much-needed wake up call for a lot of people regarding emissions testing and quality assurance, and I feel like the industry will benefit greatly from what can be learned here.
The British and Italian cars from that era never worked properly to begin with, and the Japanese ones did... until they rusted apart after a few months.
but we’re not talking about you. We’re generalizing so we can dislike a certain group of people based on some internet based idea which may or may not be true...
One time the Internet was down at my house so I had to use my smartphone to find the number for the dealer. That was pretty frustrating.
Have you ever met drivers of V8-powered cars?
He’s OK, just a little tired.
In General, that poor guy is not having a Goodyear.
Also, I have reason to believe that Tesla rigged these cars so that they would have NO measurable emissions at state testing centers. Seems really fishy if you ask me.
Clearly it only happened in this video because its only HALF a car you are about to run into. Im sure it works 100% against 100% of a car.