
@Faslane: All clear now. Thanks.

What does he mean when he says:

"How do you make paint move with the grace and litheness of a classically trained dancer? With a Canon 5D Mark II"

After reading the WSJ article, I fail to see how the term "reality-shifting" applies.

He would look a lot better if he gained some weight.


He's got to be one of the biggest douche bags ever.

I love how she says bummer when she finds them dead. lol, I love weed.

WTF, did a monkey write this post, there's so many errors. Or is he quoting and forgot the quotes?

mmmmm tacos, yum. I'm in.

lol.... I found that adding bacon to almost anything makes it taste better, especially salad.

The guy sucked balls, I couldn't stand his show on CNN, but I don't know if what he said on the radio deserved a canning. I'm pretty sure his ratings blew and this was a good excuse for CNN to get rid of him.

Makes me sad to realize how poor I am......sigh.

There's no voodoo with getting ABC on board because Jobs sits on the Board of Disney. As a matter of fact, he's the largest individual share holder.

Yeah, Lucas officially sucks now.

Can't wait for the Unicorn vs. Sasquatch vs. Loch Ness Monster vs. Dragon post.

Great article. Either this wasn't covered in the international news or I missed it.