
This is why the terrorists hate us. And in this case I agree with them.

Looks like a giant penis heading for his head....

Here, I fixed it:

Prince is still alive?

Instaload, LOL....

@pixelsnader: I guess you've already used this bike/cart since you're so sure all those things need to be done?

@brijazz: Seriously? Hahaha. Thanks for the yucks!

That VAPOR4 on the side looks hot! Can't wait to show that off at Starbucks. I wish it would light up or flash when I'm on a call, just so everyone can see.

I thought I couldn't hate Fecalbook anymore than I did. Once again I'm wrong!

I need to take a rape shower after that preview.

I hope it's an epic trilogy like LOTR.

WOW! This looks beyong ghey.....

It's Alaska..... They use dogs for transportation and gave us Sarah Palin. Why the shock?

@Neeraj Verma: The real numbers do support it. Take a look at year over year growth and revenue for M$ if you don't believe me. The latest numbers are inflated due to win7 being recently released and Vista being such a dog, so everyone switched. Apple passing them in market cap should give you an indication of what

@johncon3: I would agree, except that's the old model that M$ is dying under. Mobile is the new PC and Apple is all over it, M$ is not. Software for PC's will slowly die and mobile OS's like WebOS and iOS will win with the cloud doing the heavy lifting. I'm not a fanboy either way, I just see things as they are.

Nothing like going out on top. It's all downhill from here.

The "In 3D" killed it for me. F 3D with glasses, I hope it dies quickly.

Judgement day is going to be awesome!!