Rudolph Ranger

Dems practically had no choice in their primaries except the money establishment chosen Hillary. They have enormous media apparatus on their side, they have billions of dollars. If you like that and the way things are going, select Hillary. Trump is hated even by GOP establishment. He’ll do things different. I think

Hyperloop is 100 yr old non-working idea. This seem new, working and cool idea.

looks like inside of penis

Elon Musk = BS. One fact alone can prove it, which is, he’s a poster boy of Giz.

Middle man cut off = good

I would have gone to court with this, so big drama, so big news for many months. Pewdy man would have been BBC news many nights. Lots of good attention.

Another new disease for neurotic women

Some rehearsed speaking routiness

No integrated bt-wifi microphone/speaker system? Crap. These advertised safety features are probably just some bs, not much better than any other $500 helmet out there.


Cubeworld ripped us with few millions i’m sure

More stuff like this, forget those multi billion dollar failures

For the love of god and all that is holy...stop this nonsense right now and call this for what it is....ultimate BS!!

Imho by far the most important fix would be replacing that useless 'check engine' light with actual fault codes, explaining their meanings and most importantly, how serious they are to cars serviceability with 1-5 scale. Fault codes I tend to experience, are ones that have almost no bearing to car actually being

Skip Grado. They sound great, but that mechanical construct will break sooner or later. It's impossible to fix. Grado should so something about it.

Steve is one of the scariest mofos in US, after Dick Cheney

In 50-500 years times these kind of weapons will be used in massive scale. It will not be pretty. Nukes are too powerful for humans, we are apes and our nature dictates going on these raids (wars) sometimes. It's a sad thing. Well, we turn back the clock, will come back a bit altered, but not too much.

get a PC instead, better games, do lots other stuff too