
I don’t really want extra sugar and sodium acid pyrophosphate (whatever that is), if I don’t have to have it.

What is so garbage about the frozen? The article clearly states there’s just 2 other ingredients, one to preserve color, the other to help browning. Nothing garbage there! I, for one, am a huge fan of cutting corners, especially with things that don’t make sense, and I’m glad this article exists to justify my

I’ve always enjoyed your articles, Alanis. I’ll continue reading these former Gawker sites until they are all dead and buried, but Jalopnik, especially, will be just a little bit less fun to read without ya! Best of luck.

I'm the guy who would consider one of these. It would be a daily driver for me but have the possibility of being a #vanlife on the weekends. I love my boxy xB but winter in KC can get nasty do AWD is helpful. Sign me up!

I’m here for it. I have been considering a WRX hatchback, but would actually rather have a wagon version.

But... this was informative. I love, LOVE scrambled eggs, but can never get them to come out this way ( honestly, I’m not going to spend too much time cooking them). So I’m very happy to read this article. IDK, I just don’t see the harm in it as you apparently do. Glad I now have a new technique to try! 

Totally. He’s evil. The worst. Probably has a lab with surrogates, either indoctrinated or forced to be there (either way is bad) and he just uses them to implant his DNA to see which one gives birth to the most likely candidate. Maybe there are more out there??

I think of the Knights of Ren as modern versions of Boba Fett: presented to the audience as bad-ass but when the chips are down, they die unceremoniously. So it’s in keeping with tradition, lol (same with Phasma?). But yeah, it would have been cooler if they were shown to be more bad-ass/brutal in their execution,

One of the things that irks me the most is when I see someone randomly use an apostrophe when they didn’t with other similar words in a series. Example:

People can be both, you know. Sophisticated and raunchy, or maybe you mean her level of refinement between her stand-up and her sketch writing. They don’t have to be exclusive. I’m sure Chappelle, as funny as his show was, had a team of writers. But I also think he can do all sorts of humor with all levels of

If this was a test specifically about the best store-bought hot cocoa, using only the manufacturer’s given instructions, then it would be a different test. But the author specifically said it was about the best made with ONLY water, and they very clearly succeeded in that. I’m not sure what there is to complain about.

If I never give up a subscription, then, personally, there’s no need for me to download any movies.. I was about to get excited thinking I was going to be able to download all the Marvels, SW, etc, because I really hadn’t bought any of the blu-rays yet, and have them forever. Oh well, no loss. I did sign up for that

Exactly this! How many “smart guys” thought rock n’ roll was garbage, and look at it now. The same was said of rap and hip hop. People who have limited vision just need to step aside. There are people that used to think cartoons were nothing but kid’s stuff but now they’re winning Oscars. All sorts of new things are

This Pixel 4 looks slick with some cool features, but I had the 1 and now the 3 for a full year, and don’t really see a need to upgrade so soon. I’ll most likely get the 5 next year, unless my 3 chugs along and keeps performing well. I kind of think that, since I’m not a huge picture taker, as long as my phone doesn’t

I don't play but I love that the creators do stuff like this.

What is with that? My family had 2 AMC Hornet wagons at one time in the early 80s. A blue one and a yellow woody.  After that they purchased a used brown 72 Chevelle station wagon. I think I like stations wagons to this day because of how exposed I was to them growing up. 

Nice Zapp and Roger reference!

I’ve always felt this way about the police in the UK vs US. UNfortunately, I can’t see US police adopting the UK policies because, since we have the damn 2nd Amendment about gun rights, the US police probably believe that every gotdam person is packing heat, and therefore feel threatened in every altercation. Either

I love smarties! And those little packs of sweet tarts. Sometimes you need something to cleanse the palate after scarfing 27 chocolate bars.