
I just have always felt like she’s someone who never wanted this job of First Lady, she married Trump for his money alone, and to not have to do anything, which is fine, but now she is forced to be in some sort of leadership role, and she probably doesn’t want much to do with it at all! I dunno, IDK if she does

You win because I have to have both Apple Jacks and Cookie Crisp on the list..

When he says, “that’s not how it works in real life” that’s fine, in YOUR life. But that doesn’t mean it’s the law, or the rules, or how things SHOULD be done. This guy, he’s basically saying, “My corrupt ass has never done it that way before being President, and I’m not going to do it now that I am President.” What a

I think she has a way about her where she is able to put things in plain English allowing someone dumb like me to understand the issues but not feel like she is dumbing anything down. I have not seen anyone in congress like her whose arguments are so clear and concise. To those on the Right who think she’s nothing

Came here for this. Did not disappoint.

I have the later gen Scion xB.. and there are some fun things people have done with them. I often think about converting mine into some sort of old school looking panel van.

You know what? Fuck it, let’s just go to Mars. We don’t need to waste any effort on the Moon. Let’s “just go to Mars.” Gods this guy is completely dumb when it comes to understanding the technology we need in order to get to Mars safely. There are a number of things we need to perfect on the Moon before we ever deploy

I think that people think that if you are not Pro-Life like them, then you must be Pro-Death. Not Pro-Choice, and the fact is, a lot of Pro-Life people do believe that there could be reasons to have and abortion. They are all just too stupid to realize it. Imho.

As I get older, I am finding out that all the cars I thought were fast back when I was a kid, were not, indeed, very fast at all. /shrug.

Surprised he didn’t tell her to “calm down..”

Haha, I remember that thing about Danzig, way back in the 90s. Shoot, little me might have thought that way too! I am better now.

There’s a scene in The Man in the High Castle where an American turned Nazi witnesses some other Nazis taking a little girl and implying that they were going to swing her by her legs, bashing her head against a wall. If I remember correctly, the scene cut short right before she would have hit. That was hard to watch.

This is very true.. If you read the incel subreddits, my god... It is a subculture that believes woman are: less than human, lie about everything, cheat all the time, are meant for only sex, and are the cause of all of their problems. If they actually get to have voluntary sex with a woman, they will just treat them

The people I know who are conservative and/or support Trump seem to put her on the same level as Trump. Like she is the same as him but on the Left. I’m like, no she certainly is not! She is nothing like the opposite of Trump! But they have no idea how smart she is, how hard working she is, she isn’t “just a

This exact building is in Kansas City and is a Chinese food place. Never knew it used to be a Checkers, although it’s obvious now. Good Chinese though!

Sho’nuff (personal favorite movie), beer-belly Thor (finally a costume I could “fill” out), and that Michael from Lost Boys (looks just like him)! Those are my faves, but shout out to Olivia Octavious, amazing costume and props.

I guess... I guess it looks slightly squarish in all its rounded/angularity. Meaning the pic up top looks just barely more truckish than every other CUV in the same segment. I think. So it's got that going for it, which is nice.

No! I really don’t think she will be related to the Skywalker line. Maybe she could have some DNA from some other Force sensitive person in the canon, but episode 9 can’t come soon enough to reveal it all.

I have a picture almost like the header image up in the cloud somewhere from when Will Ferrell was Bacchus. That was like the only time I watched the parade in the 10 or so times I’ve been to N.O. I’m usually too deep into hurricanes by then to give a shit.

But.. but.. ole Georgie made the move Red Tails! /sarcasm