
How would anyone at the restaurant know if the call is non-medical? Anyway, just keep it in your pocket on vibrate. If you get a call or text, answer it outside or keep it low, type a reply, and put it back in your pocket. It’s not rocket surgery but I feel like people are trying to make it that. No one is going to

I’ve never understood Stand Your Ground. So you’re saying I could START a full-on fight, unprovoked, with someone, then, when my ass is getting kicked (because they other guy is simply defending himself), I could pull out my gun and shoot him, and say that I felt my life was threatened. I don’t get how anyone could

This is the absolute most racist cartoon I’ve seen in a “supposed” respectable national publication in.. I don’t know, but I’m sure there were plenty of bad ones in the 80's. It just looks so g/d blatant! Compare Serena’s depiction to any racist cartoon of the past century. Anyone who doesn’t think this cartoon is

Yeah, see.. when white people say these obvious racist comments, they think it’s perfectly ok, it’s only when black people decide to school them in their racist misinformation that they scream that you’re making it a race thing. Smh. 

It’s ok that Pluto is not a planet. I don’t get the uproar. Is it because the planet was the ONLY planet discovered by an American? Is it because the name of the planet conjures up pictures of a cute happy orange cartoon dog? I think these are some subconscious reasons, that cause us, especially Americans, to have a

Oh I get it.. You’ve never seen someone in an emotional situation say something that didn’t make sense, or was perhaps not the right thing to say? Never, huh? Very telling that you would claim that. It was a spur of the moment comment she probably didn’t think twice about in that heated moment. Or do you think Serena

I.. What? I don’t think that’s what the person was saying at all! The person was simply wondering if there was something that COULD HAVE BEEN DONE. At no point in the letter did it sound like they wanted to go back to the restaurant or to the spiller and demand satisfaction now. I think the person was just asking for

Fuck the fans booing during Osaka's trophy presentation. 

Is a van? (2nd gen scion xb)

I would like all cars to be pretty modular.. I wish I could get a modern car but have it look like an older car, like if you could just put in number of shells over an existing frame. I’m more into how it looks older or retro and still be a modern car underneath. But yes, your idea sounds much more doable and I

The closest I’ve come to this was about 15 years ago, I owned an ‘88 Honda Prelude, 5-speed manual, and that was so. much. fun. to drive. It was my only car that I daily drove 30 mins to and from work each day and I never got tired of it. I think it’s my favorite car I’ve ever owned, and I will get another. Sometime.

I agree that we all SHOULD know how much of a horror he has been as president for the last 2 years, but I think it’s a bit disingenuous to think EVERYONE knows. There are people I know who just don’t read sites like this, or listen to any other news besides conservative radio. They may banter about the Prez golfing or

I.. I didn’t believe it could be that bad.. then I listened to it.. WOW!

For my 9th birthday, my mom let me have really my only big b-day celebration. She let me choose that year between taking everyone to see the movie Krull or Smokey and the Bandit Part 3 at the theater. Being the Star Wars fan that I am, you would think my 9 year old self would have easily chosen this new sci-fi flick

Basically they’re mad that Kaep is alive enough to still make (good) money. What do they want? He’s out of the NFL! I honestly believe these peeps think he doesn’t deserve life or liberty. It is soooo frustrating when you tell someone over and over that the kneeling has absolutely effing nothing to do with disrespectin

A quick google shows that Nike is still the #1 sports apparel company. So I think they are still doing OK. This was a very calculated move, one that will be seen years from now as being on the right side of history.

I had a 1988 CRX HF and I can attest that it got over 50 mpg. And this thing had about 188k miles on it. All I ever really had to fix was the clutch. Great little car!

I would have given you a couple grand for this fine piece of Honda CRX!

Also, we (most likely) were not alive in 1957 to have grown up with those Chevys, but we were alive in 1987 to see this Honda.

Nike makes waaay more money outside the U.S. than they do here. The amount of people that are going to stop buying Nikes now will not put even the smallest dent in their bottom line. And other countries, the Nike consumers there don’t care about our politics, so it’s not going to effect them one way or another. This