4th Gen looks better without the spoiler, fight me, lol!
4th Gen looks better without the spoiler, fight me, lol!
I love everything about this!!! I wonder if Laura Ingram would tell Muhammad Ali to “shut up and punch” or Venus Williams to “shut up and swing” or Jackie Robinson to “shut up and play” or.. idk, Rosa Parks to “shut up and sit down.”
If a teenage boy can confidently say he wants to be a boy, and if a teenage girl can confidently say that she wants to be a girl, then I don’t see anything wrong with any teenage boy or girl who confidently says that they would like to transition. I don’t understand why anyone gives a flying F what these kids want to…
Go to Costco in the later evening, like I do. All of the free samples are gone by then and you don’t have to mess with the traffic jams they cause.
Sometimes my hot dog bun becomes “unhinged” from each other.. so that it IS two pieces of bread. Is it a sandwich now, lol?
I usually un-friend anyone on FB who are firefighters or police. They are all racist. Oh and usually very religious too. But definitely racist.
Introduced me to Imogen Heap!
This is the best ever use of DJ Kahled’s “you played yourself.”
I am a white male, I like tech, I enjoy her writing. I am not hurt by any of her past tweets. I have empathy that very easily allows me to see her side. I honestly don’t understand those who are hurt by this. That is all.
I also can relate to this quote:
This is so sickening and I hate that it’s true.
Exx-cellent (Montgomery Burns voice).
I am so down for this.. but I can’t explain why I like the two tone so much.
Wait, Wile E. Coyote and Ralph Wolf are two different characters?? I just figured it was Wile E. trying to get something new to eat. Weird.
I have a good friend who supports republicans, and therefore supports Trump. He is socially liberal in all of his views, for the most part, but he is part of the 1%. He owns his own internet company that does very, very well. He agrees with the tax/fiscal aspect of the Republican side. I think because of this, he…
I was just reading about President Clinton and his impeachment, and, you know, he did a hell of a lot less and got impeached. He simply had affairs and lied to cover them up, for the most part. That’s all. He simply lied to cover up his non-marital sexy times. He didn’t have collusion, porn stars, nepotism, shilling…
I want to believe you!
I love that you incorporated multiple memes. OLD SKOOL memes!