Let’s all jump to conclusions despite the lack of available evidence.
Let’s all jump to conclusions despite the lack of available evidence.
“She was a very gentile, lovely lady...” I didn’t know Muslims were Gentiles.
poor guy didn’t know the deer was Blitzen.
Brian Urlantler
You, too, would bogey a hole if you were pooping yourself.
The democrats changed the rules about presidential appointments needing only a majority vote. The Republicans took this change to mean it applied to Supreme court picks too. Without the democrat change this one doesn’t happen. Sorry if facts are hard for you to understand. Get more than a GED and we can talk like…
The Democrats changed the rules in the first place. This is blowback from their overreach. Enjoy that.
Sometimes I fantasize about a time when baseball would return to the top of American sports interests and the NFL is relegated to a niche somewhere slightly above where NHL stands right now. This is mostly out of a desire to bask in the schadenfreude of seeing Goodell’s bumbling empire burn to the ground. But baseball…
If at first you don’t secede, try, try again.
Solid work, South Carolina.
[extreme AC/DC voice]
Given all the hunger and suffering in today’s world, this is nothing short of terroirism.
If Mr. Depp’s agents were “trying to show excess, they’re in the wrong place,” added Mr. Goldstein
“That’s a cold shot, baby!”
On arriving home from school, the boys asked their parents what the pussy is and how to fuck her right in it.
99.999% of them aren’t standing up for anything. just like under the gw bush administration, they’ll make a bunch of noise for years on end, screw up 95% of coverage, then spend a few years patting themselves on the back for the 5% they got right and explaining there’s no way they could have saved the rest.
yea but that says more about you than the buffalo, no?
Once again, we have a headline that's terribly misleading. Barely any of these animals have hands.
Here in the glorious southwest, we play bocce ball while drinkin'.