xbettyx dreams in digital

I just came here to say: “Amy Schemer” hahahahahahahahahaha

Rape is a crime of power and control. It’s not about wanting sex. It’s about someone feeling empowered and entitled to TAKE something ( e.g. what they want in the absence of consent. ) The sex aspect becomes part of a fetish or gratification for doing whatever the perp pleases instead of living within the social

Diversity challenged. #sowhite

ACK still too soon! #kurt5eva

I had an awful after surgery experience in which I had a bad reaction to some medication that caused a problem of a very embarrassing kind. Of course, I cried to mum about this and she told me, deadpan as you like, “shit happens.” I was appalled and forever waiting to pay that forward. My prim, proper mother. Lord.

Shit happens.

This this this! I was going to reply stating the use of “decent body”, as a contrast to average-to-plus, was a value judgement we did not need.

*bum rap

This is the best run on sentence I have ever read. I love it.

We in Massachusetts drop our G’s and hitch our double T’s. So I am not surprised by that. Not all Massachusetts folks sound like a Boston Brahmin stuffy asshole or a southy Irishman.

Imagine walking by a nice BMW (or whatever) and thinking (an doing) “This car is sitting there with the keys in it. I think I will take this for a ride!” It barely covers it, I know. But if you can’t imagine taking someone’s car for a fucking joyride - then why is it so difficult so understand that when it comes to

I grew up with Liz and it’s been fun following her career. I think she’s got a great taste for comedy, especially physical comedy, and I’m glad that she’s done well. That being said, she’s one of those extreme type a control freak supermom super everything personalities. Her stepmother calls her “the actress” because

Still says having sex. That is RAPE. Disgusting Jez - come on. All the klaxons should be full bore RAPE RAPE RAPE.

that’s it. no more internet today.

There is so much wrong with that I can't even. A fifteen year old can't consent. And if you can't see that a bunch of fifteen year olds publicly engaging in sex, watching it and videoing it is scary wrong then there is nothing more to say.

I wish they'd unplug me from this matrix.

Fifteen is not the age of consent, regardless of commonly held practice, customary adolescent social behaviors or just good old “boys will be boys” and “girls will be girls” apologies.

Fuck your useless policies and abdicating any responsibility to this. anyone who encouraged her or mocked her should be prosecuted.

“International” is clearly inappropriate with an overly prurient interest in the sexual activities of his members.

i can’t believe it’s not been said... Craig’s a Mazin.