xbettyx dreams in digital

One of the things that Gene Roddenberry did with creating this universe was to emphasize the fact that the divisive geopolitical forces that are in our world right now are only steering us toward destruction. he wanted integration alignment exploration...

Pashminas are so 2000. Credibility shot.

Turkey Hill ice cream. <3 ahhh PA. I miss Manayunk bar hopping, the early 90s club scene and acting like an American slut with no father to take revenge on my behalf (obligobv daddy issues).

Meta conversation is meta.

I hope this was a troll Bobby. Because you definitely trolled me. This would be worse than that recentrecent Emma Stone blunder.

And so again the price of taking a stand is loss of freedom, loss of dignity and loss of life. A woman who fought that hard for a cause she believed in would never have taken her own life. Especially not in police custody.

Stockholm syndrome.

Relentlessly clueless. Seriously. It’s just a joke folks! They love brown people. They have tons of brown friends! He couldn’t possibly have dressed like a bandleader when all that glorious dark foundation was calling his name. And what in the actual fuck is the grey haired yahoo doing. “Aw jeez shucks they are at it

I love this woman’s look. She is fierce as fuck. Also I want to be in that video too. And Riri’s best friend. I don’t even mind that she stole and misspelled my name.

You must be my soulmate.

I wish the Establishment Clause offered the same rights and freedoms for other marginalized groups and religiously driven issues.

This. Entitled oblivious and quick to anger. Because white men and because dominion. Fuck all this shit.

On a personal note, as a white woman, so am I.

Joshua Dolezal would not be going to trial if there was not enough real evidence to prosecute. There is a real victims at the heart of those allegations. Let’s not forget this. I would take her seriously and separately from the Rachel Dolezal insanity.

But what about the baby?

Dear Sir or Madam:

Agree. This is made entirely of nope.


You forgot Vampires. And The Gays.

Is it wrong that my first thought to your comment was “because he is not black.” This society needs to get its shit together. It just makes me feel despair.