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    Also "He Can Only Hold Her". It has that peppy Motown, old soul swing but the lyrics are devastating.

    What does Joe Johnson have to do with this?

    I know this is shocking but I don't mind paying for a TV show if I can get it legally. Waiting a year for a show being aired in the UK, on the other hand…

    I get new Mad Men episodes through amazon every Monday.

    I actually get the Troy/Britta thing (although I'd rather see it stay as a flirtation than become a full fledged THING). I can't get into Jeff/Annie at all.

    What was funny in his stand up is obnoxious and grating on his radio show and his relationship advice is archaic and awful. The best thing about Steve Harvey is that he gave Kevin Hart a showcase and national exposure.

    Having clawed through Twilight to understand what the big deal was, I have to disagree. As much as I hated the third book, the love triangle nonsense and concept of teenage love was nowhere near as awful as Twilight.

    The Prestige. Saw it on a whim with a vague idea that it was about rival magicians but it turned out to be so much better and deeper than that.

    No, the musical plays everything straight. We did Oklahoma! at my high school because some parents felt the previous year's musical, Into the Woods, had too many mature themes. I guess they only remembered the cheery singing of the title song and forgot about the drug addled, rapey, suicide parts.

    On the front lawn with the sprinklers on.

    Raccoon makeup Rebecca?

    I like Willam's personality and character. My problem with Willam is that he isn't a drag queen - he just plays one on TV. His clothes are great, but makeup and hair are terrible because he's always had someone do that for him. So when you put that next to a queen with personality and makeup/hair/costume chops

    Not a soap opera? You are talking about the show with the season one plot with Schu's wife pretending to be pregnant for months and making a deal with Quinn to take her baby (that Quinn had tricked Finn into believing they conceived in a hot tub without having sex) and pass it off as Schu's? You're saying that wasn't

    Considering that he built his business with her money….

    I've assumed that people love Joan because Christina Hendricks is a stone cold fox. Joan may be a great office manager, but she is also a racist, manipulative bitch.

    I assumed Kevin was on of those mythical Hispanic people of African descent. Go figure.

    As long as you actually take care of your liver, that is.

    I thought the AV club was pretending that really racist, not funny, and stupid storyline didn't exist.

    My boss is Michael Scott without the verbal diarrhea. He's been employed at the same agency for 30 yrs and is stalled at middle management because it is painfully obvious that he is a terrible supervisor but he writes gorgeous grants and reports.