
Sir/madam. This is America 2020 where telling people that “hey maybe just maybe, we should treat black people like white people want to be treated” is considered revolutionary ideas akin to overthrowing the US government and/or starting the NWO. Not the Hollywood Hogan, Kevin Nash one, but the “pyramid eye” one

Only person I can even think of who cites the book as a favorite/worthy reading who isn’t a grifter in their own right or “hustler/entrepreneur”(AKA broke w no stable income) is Daymond John. And one could even argue the serendipitous nature of him knowing LL as a bolster to his success    

Although based on what I know from a few Mormon & ex Mormon associates, the whole Mormon church is a convoluted pyramid scheme & tax fraud. (More than most organized religions)

That 2nd paragraph is accurate AF & will be a basis for interesting generation comparisons re: music in 10-15 years. Saw TikTok videos w Gen X & older millennials doing a music challenge w their kids/gen Z relatives. The genre crossing knowledge by the former groups compared to the lack of it by younger ones was

Yogurt?!!? With the havoc that dairy does to alabaster?

Karen likes tacos too. 

Fun activity: Remind Conservatives & the NRA crowd who got open carry nixed in California..

The issue is most people are not in the position to opt out of using Zoom (or Software X for that matter). If your employer/school/required entity is using Zoom/G Suite/Microsoft etc etc. guess what..? you’re using Zoom/G Suite/Microsoft etc. etc. etc.

Not surprising. The US military pulls extensively from the jet fuel burning temp expert & the chem trails weren’t always there crowds. 

Also, he looks like the kind of guy who justifies messing with an unconscious woman.  “If she doesn’t like it, why is she breathing?”

Tasers. female journalists, especially in front of camera talent, start carrying and light one or two of these shitbirds up will get that solved. 

Part of me wants to ask “what the fuck makes dudes like this think shit like this is okay?”

White, straight, football lover, flag stander, military supporter, Christian (evangelical or evangelicalish. I guess the ardent Catholics will work too). Or any combination of the above. 

the only justification/rationalization (I know its Texas & rational thought is in limited supply in that cesspool but work with me here)is that ppl coming to town to see/be coached by Uber Coach Briles will pay a pretty penny to move into the district thereby causing a mini boom(?) and increase property values for

Go find the Greg Howard receipt list he did a few years ago when Whitlock tried start what is now the Undefeated at ESPN. Whitlock got laid full bare then & has done nothing but coon & bloviate to solidify his status as worst take coon who is clearly speaking only for himself.  

There is something about him that says seedy strip club top patron. 

A comic book/superhero movie designed for the award show crowd?

Ah yes. We mistook xenophobia for racism. The former is much more palatable. Thanks Mr. Gorka. 

There is a reason Enterprise is a sponsor of the NCAA. 

1) is the Trace Armstrong listed- Former NFL player, NFLPA head, current agent Trace Armstrong?